Wonder What They Stole - Hatton Garden Heist?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rob, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. If the thieves have any brains at all, they will have left loads of various other peoples' DNA there. Like yours, say, or mine.
  2. oh yeh, working on an alibi already?
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  3. Was his name Pedigree? If so I believe ya :D
  4. Ah, just like the car cloning excuse ;)
  5. Pete couldn't have done it..........His hair would have got caught in the drill........;)
  6. I've seen a cctv still image taken a week before the raid which shows what was really kept there. Police were saying that the value of the haul would have only been half of what it was if someone hadn't been keeping Ducati parts there!:D
  7. I don't like this at all. You and a few others are tarring everyone that wants their property kept safe as dishonest and criminal.

    So, all the people in the world that have a safe deposit box is a very undesirable character indeed?

    All the people that work in the Houses of Parliament are honest to the core, yes?

    All motorcyclists are wicked evil nasty men and women!!!!!

    My Grandmother used to say that judging a book by it's cover might surprise you! Hmm!:Nailbiting:
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  8. Take it you're not happy.........
  9. Not really.
  10. got a safety deposit box?
  11. ju
    No. But I will not prejudge anyone that has, and that is all I am trying to get over. Just because of your location and colour of skin and how large or small your bank balance is, is no reason, no reason at all to be judged. I suppose I am an idealist at heart and maybe fighting a lost battle, definitely feels as though I am swimming against the tide, but I will not yield!
  12. Not any more..
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  13. never yield. dont give in to the bastids.:upyeah::smile:
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  14. Straw man. Absolutely nobody has suggested that "everyone that wants to keep their property safe [is] dishonest and criminal".

    In reality almost everyone wants to keep their property safe, but very, very few of them do this by hiring a safe deposit box. This enables them to keep material, whatever it is, in a place which is not their home or their place of business, and is not readily accessible to their family, their friends, their partners, their business associates, their legal advisers, or the police. So what reasons might a person have for following that particular course of action?
    Now let me think ...
  15. Pete, you are not understanding the simple act of NOT judging before any evidence has been shown to you or anyone else RE:
  16. I'll help you out... Contents may be of high value, so should be safer in a safe deposit box than at a home address
    • Like Like x 2
  17. Bingo!!!!!!!
  18. sorted for all victims of being tarred with the same brush...
  19. What are you on about? I was replying to the point that IF there was stolen stuff in there, or illegal goods of any type, should we feel sorry for them?!

    I'm sure all those who have legitimate personal or business items, for whatever reason, will come forward, make a legit insurance claim (because they will be insured, of coyrse) and give true and honest representation to the police without question
  20. This enables them to keep material, whatever it is, in a place which is not their home or their place of business, and is not readily accessible to their family, their friends, their partners, their business associates, their legal advisers, or the police.
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