Ducati Database

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Despaulcollins, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. Hi Guys,

    Just wondering is there a database available whereby you can put in your frame number, and it will give you back all the info on that particular bike, as regards its build sheet, spec etc.

    I don't mean like a HPI check, I mean a Ducati only database?

  2. If you go to Ducati.com and click the contact us button you can send an email to them asking for the relevant information provide them with as much detail as possible. You will get a response from a lady called Sofia
  3. Spot on,

    Thanks for that.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Your welcome mate. She may ask for copy of V5 as proof of purchase I scanned mine and sent as pdf on reply email
  5. Something like, 'I'm not allowed to tell you' :) then she might tell you, then say I'm not allowed to confirm it in writing as she shouldn't have told you in the first place :Wideyed:. Or for bikes they don't mind admitting existed, she might mail you the info :Angelic:
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  6. ;)
  7. Your mean, just like her and her little friend :Hilarious:
  8. Who me ? no definitely not mean :)
  9. You could try your friendly local Ducati dealers. Ask them if they would run your VIN and engine number through their DCS database. (think it stands for Ducati Communications System).
    It probably won`t show you anything more than your log book does, to be fair.
    In my case though, it did show my bike had a warranty claim early in its life for bigends and rods, due to improper assembly. Casual parts: GR .ALBERTO MOTORE + GRANDI 749 BIP.
    Whoever did the rebuild did a good job, she runs sweet.
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