Long Time Coming

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by jason g, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. Converted after many years of Ducati influence.
    Have been around them for years never ridden one till the other day.
  2. Very sweet what took you so long!
    Hello and welcome to the mad house

    Give us a bit more info Jase G
  3. Welcome to the forum buddy, enjoy
  4. don't know what took so long always known about ducati's just never rode one my brother always been a lover of them since when I was young.
  5. thanks
  6. Well your here now
    It's red? The fastest colour :)
  7. thanks :Shamefullyembarrased::)
  8. Long time coming? That's a plus in porno movies. Maybe you should make a career change :)

    And welcome Dave :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
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