Newbie From Bedford

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Doohey69, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. Hi All
    Newbie here from Bedford so thought I'd say hello.
    The only Ducati in my house at the moment is my cat.
    Hopefully my new 1200s will be arriving soon.
  2. How Do Heydoo !

    Welcome to you and yer cat ;)
  3. Hello and welcome doo hoo to the mad house

    Won't be long now and in allergic to cats

    Watch out for the crazy locals
  4. Hello,
    Are you a Sham fan? I am, oh, and from what I can gather Ducbird is not scared of the rain like me!:Facepalm:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. I have been known to ride in the rain AndyV
    Just not anymore :Bag:
    • Love You Love You x 1
  6. Oi oi Dave :)
  7. Oi Oi

  8. I too have had a few rides in the rain too, but I will not disclose their identities on here.:Shamefullyembarrased::Shamefullyembarrased::Shamefullyembarrased:
  9. Hello & welcome
  10. Hello & Welcome from a fellow Bedfordian
  11. Get yer arse on that bike this year, do yer hear me girl :Rage::Rage::Rage::Rage::Rage:

    And, hello Doohan :D
  12. how dooooooooooo! :upyeah:
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