Anyone Going To The Ace

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by chizel, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. tomorrow morn? im gunna head down bout 9.30 (less its pissing down) dont know bout doin the ride out as bike needs 1st service since rebuild and still has a iffy ecu. but anyhu
  2. Can't think of anywhere worse. Makes Boxhill look as attractive as a run thru alpine passes
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  3. i agree the ace is hardly a great ride especially for me as im 10 mins away but it is a cool place and im glad it exists.. one of my favorite pastimes (after riding my bike, sex, beer, cleaning my bike, food and music)(pretty much in that order) is looking at other bikes so its all good
  4. Will be at Southend in the afternoon on 999.
  5. would have done Pete but car meet that day plus I would only take the Elefant and this would fail to impress the Kwacker Jacks. Is @satzoomer going?
  6. Would love to , its only about 450 miles and a ferry crossing ,,, may pop down after nite shift friday ,,,,, but maybe not .
  7. li
  8. Tomoro Italian bike day... anyone goin? thought id clean my scoot a lil incase it brakes down... (never go out in dirty underware type thing)

    2015-05-02 15.19.11.jpg 2015-05-02 15.19.21.jpg
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  9. Hey Chiz my dizzy no plate ended in BBW!
  10. big... errrr... Beautiful woman... or Beautiful black n white as in my case?
  11. Weather looks a bit poo for the ace.. meant to clear a lill round 11
  12. when i get down i will buy brekers with the fiver i owe you.:upyeah:
  13. On my way.
  14. you dont get much for a fiver in the ace! (and its a tenner you tight arse Scottish)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. do i get the bike wet? fuck it, it aint made of suger im goin for a cuppa
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  16. He might as well just pay me - ten were quits for stuffing you on MCN fantasy road-race this year :p
  17. bastrd
  18. Or was it £100? :D
  19. Apologies for a quick off topic it's the last time
    Big bottom woman in my case :)
  20. Pictures or it didn't happen (get big) :)
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