one of my previous secretaries used to snigger when we discussed flanges, nipples, male and female fittings, that the problem with piping
Ha, I was offshore Nigeria last trip and encountered my first flange inspector to maintain the flange register. Of course the childish side of me (which is huge) found this very amusing indeed.
A buttstrap is used in a butt joint. Often used to join aircraft skin panels where it is important not to have an aerodynamic step. In that case, it would be an internal butt strap.
Having watched the TV debate a few hours ago..there is something of the 1980s publication readers wives about her. Or may be my 2nd hand copy had some damp and defaced pages (it was kept behind a bus stop near the park).
Ahh, finally the penny has dropped - thanks Gamekeeper. Oh, and no I wouldn't, to answer the original OP.