He will be fined and 6 points if he doesn't give his info At that speed he will be summonsed to court as well I presume Looks like a way of stopping you ignoring the letter.
Just to be sure You are required to identify the driver or rider of the vehicle. You must do this within 28 days and if you fail to do so, you have committed a separate offence for which your licence can be endorsed with 6 penalty points and a fine up of £1,000.
sample letter from the "Which" website Speeding ticket sample letters - Advice on speeding tickets - Driving advice - Driving your car - Which? Car
The points and fine is for starters if you don't say you were the driver, and you will still get summoned, unless you can get someone to say they were driving, the court will assume it was you and you can be tried in your absence . Get a solicitor to plead for you , how long you've been driving, it was quick but not mad speeds ,the weather/road conditions, other road users, your bike its capabilities/condition, and if you have previous driving offences all make a difference. Good luck
Ok thanks but my letter says Q: what happens if I ignore the notice? A: It's come at a bad time to be honest, I'm supposed to be off to Germany in July, all paid up If I sign the form and send it back now the likelihood is ill be banned by the time July comes around
Allegedly,of course !I hear that wales police had to drop some speeding charges where you fill in the info as requested BUT DO NOT SIGN THE NIP ,they are then unable to prosecute,but you have complied with returning the info as requested?
All this not signing messing around how do you think the court will see it? You want the least sentence you can get surely The OP admits it was him and he was doing said speed Do you really need the added cost of a solicitor you can represent yourself and just tell it how it was
Not true. I've been pulled at more than 30mph over the limit 4 times. The last time I went to court and said I would definitely lose my job if I lost my license. I got 6 points and a hefty fine. The previous 3 times I was caught by coppers and they let me off with a caution each time.
When I got busted at 104 on the M56 I was advised by a magistrate I met socially that they like you turning up with a solicitor as it shows you are taking the court seriously I stil got banned but it was only 14 days with a £240 fine. Add on the £180 for the solicitor and I think I did ok
Nice easy £180 earned No wonder you were advised What did the solicitor do that you couldn't have done yourself just out of curiosity
If a solicitor represents you then you are taking legal advice from "one of their own". If you represent yourself you are a smart arse that deserves banning.
i would take a good long look beyond all the bullshit and bravado ...........the last thing you want to do is pervert the course of justice or commit perjury....... for example have you still got the same bike do you still wear the same helmet and leathers as in the speeding offence.........just saying..
That doesn't pan out though, Tel. I've never been represented in court. I simply apply the same logic to a court appearance as I do when getting pulled in the first place - I'm in the wrong, so only open my mouth to apologise. You don't need representation to do that.