1200 End Of The Pike's Peak ?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by DiBianchi, May 8, 2015.

  1. Is that it now for the Pike's Peak now that the "new" DVT Ducati MTS is out ? Haven't seen any material about whether Ducati plan to rework the MTS in a PP version.

    Shame if not, but I guess the pre-2015 PP might become an icon ?
  2. They have to win on it yet surely ?
  3. It's 1
    It's 100% tarmac now....may be not...perhaps a 1299 Pantigirdle?
  4. Didn't win last year did it? So why enter if you are not going to benefit. And isn't it Ducati America that actually does it and the factory make bikes on the back of it rather than the other way round ?
  5. In truth, I'm not that keen on the look of it, I think it's a bit of a cop out, I'm sure if I had bought a PP I would have expected a more powerful engine may be with a different valve over lap to bring it closer to the 1098 race engine and a better ECU and engine map to go with it. For me a bit of paint that they already had to hand and a few ounce lighter wheels and some carbon bolt on's is not worth the extra.
    Sorry but if they did bring out a 2015 PP I'd want more performance.
  6. A tuned road orientated PP would be of interest, top quality suspension parts, lighter wheels, a few more bhp, exhaust system etc. But a styling makeover with stickers and paint...no thanks.
  7. I suppose that whether the Pikes Peak bike is a superior performer or not a superior performer in terms of on-the-road performance is only one of several considerations that might influence both its past and perhaps its future. Should Ducati enjoy future success in the Pikes Peak race with its new machine, I can imagine that some Ducati execs will sincerely consider whether they should try to bring out a new variant. However, consistent with the comments of previous posts, it'd be good if it was a genuinely superior variant in terms of on-the-road performance as well as additional "de-luxe" parts and enhancements.

    For the time being, though, the pre-2015 PP stands as a "non-replaced" model version in the lineup, and given the fickleness of current markets and the buying public, it'll be interesting to see what happens in terms of its appeal as a 2nd or 3rd hand "used" motorcycle.
  8. I like the look of the PP hence I bought one...when I already had a perfect MTS1200S.
    It's easier to ride as standard, however I immediately detected the lack of power compared to my CJS tuned baby.
  9. Yep hence why mines been to Chris and now goes like stink :upyeah:as for a 2015 PP ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Yes, good points. Does raise the possible attractiveness of a PP that's also been professionally "tuned" so that it becomes not only a machine that's interesting (and maybe a bit different) to look at but also delivers something truly extra in the riding of it.

    I thought it interesting also that Ducati chose to adopt the red-frame look on "polar white" version of their new DVT model. Makes you wonder what Ducati were trying to say or express other than they thought it was a chosen colour-contrast to the white paint finish.

    Anyway, I have a feeling that now the PP is one of the "old" Ducati MTS lineup and therefore no longer commercially available from Ducati as a "new factory machine", it's 'collectability factor' could get interesting. It might have none at all of course, but were I a Ducati dealer I might have different ideas. A PP remodelled in true "Ducati America PP" livery and with some genuine performance enhancement would be a thing of beauty indeed (in my humble opinion).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Chris isn't tuning them really simply setting up the fuelling how it should be.

    I'd really be interested to ride a twin spark back to back with mine to see the actual difference on a stick bike.
  12. This point could be argued about any dyno / remap work.

    After all it is re~tuning after modification.:Bookworm:

    More air flow from special air filter.
    More exhaust flow from "Racing Only" decat exhaust.
    Fuel and spark maps are being adjusted.
    The only other thing you could do is gas flow and change cams (unless you go silly on the engine).

    All the twin spark riders that go to Chris do get a "back to back" ride against a stock bike.....
    Going in and leaving.;)
    #12 AirCon, May 10, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2015
  13. A new PP comes "Corse Design" (Red White Black)
    I have a picture seen in November.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Rude not to share ;)
  15. Piero..... you seem to be the man on the "inside of the mind of Ducati" :) That's good news. Be nice to see a picture.
  16. No comment!
    already reveal too much
  17. Ha ha. I understand ;) (It's OK...you can tell me...... promise I won't tell anyone). :)
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