Yet Another Hello Post

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by ExKat, May 12, 2015.

  1. I sold the last bike just (and I *mean* just) before leaving Australia, and it's been a little too long, so we went shopping for options. It was going to be either the Multi or an R1200GS. Well, until my other half found out that a Ducati was an option, and suddenly BMW was left out in the cold. I'm more the type that'll blithely cruise a regular road-bike down dirt/gravel/shingle track than a full-on offroader, anyway.

    We rented a 2014 S model for a day to get a feel for the model, then test-rode the 2015 one once our dealer got hold of a demo one. Holy cow, they'd fixed every single niggle I had with the 2014. We were back so quickly the dealer thought something had gone horribly wrong!

    Now I'm just being good, and refusing to call/email Motortoer every day to find out when it's due, because I know the answer will be "they haven't told me yet." I also know he wants my money as badly as I want that bike, so I expect to find out right after he does, without any prompting.
  2. Hello to yet another newbie :)

    It's a mad house in here
    Is it red? :Angelic::Headphone:
  3. Of course it's red! :)
    It's my first Italian sports-anything, so there's only one option where colour's concerned.

    My partner wants to repaint it matt black, swearing the whole time she's not a revhead, so it's possible that we'll go halfway and put hotrod flames over it. her wedding-dress. Now that could make for a great photo-shoot if we ever do it.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Hi and welcome :)
  5. Hello!
  6. Thanks! :)
    • Like Like x 1
  7. yet another welcome post ;)
  8. Hello! I see your dog has figured out what the internet is for :)
    • Like Like x 1
  9. I Know. The dirty bastard! He didn't learn that from me, honest!
  10. Welcome Dave :)
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