Hi. After only 300 miles of riding I've noticed fine scratches on the tank, either side of the DP tank pad and above it is a dull patch where my leather jacket rests against the tank :Arghh:. After giving a good wash, what's the best products to remove these?
I was thinking about this but thought I'd need to get the tank looking perfect before i did. then i'd have to remove the tank pad I've just paid £36 for . I hear they are a bitch to fit? Do you know how much a dealer charges to fit? £40 sounds a reasonable price to pay, but I'm worried it will cost twice as much to have it fitted!
try autoglym super resin, it will bring it back just fine. trick is to keep it clean in this area too, as dust will scratch it as your jacket rubs it.
It's just two sides no need to remove the pad, you need patience that's for sure, you'll do it in under an hour it's not difficult
I use menzerna cut and polish with my rotary then apply a fine layer of dodo juice wax the pink one... lovely
Where do you live pal? I had the same prob with mine, used Invisible Patterns in Warrington, he polished out the dullness/scratches, fitted the ventureshield and 'saved' the original tankpad which was a few months old. Perfect finish. I tried autoglym etc etc but it is a constant battle dealing with the issue to the point I was mindful I was scratching the bike whilst riding it, hence trying to stop gripping / leaning on the tank.. ridiculous mindset on a supersports..
I'm in Southampton, so Warrington is too far, but yeah if they can fit it around the tank pad I'd prefer that. At the mo I've used Autoglym and the scratches are gone but I'll know they'll come back in a few miles.
problem with anything more aggressive than autolglym, is that you can eventually rub through the lacquer , then paint, especially with machine polishers. Maybe full protection is the key!
I've used Helicopter tape for mine. It's sometimes called Invisitape, OK, so it's not actually invisible, but it does a good job.
as far as i know venture shield is basically the same stuff, originally used to protect helli blades from shite in the sky
Can't remember the price quoted for tank alone, mine was done as part of a full bike kit which was £200. Obviously cheaper if you apply it yourself but mine would have ended up as the 899 Panigale Bubble edition..
what a stinking rip off, starting to dislike ducati as much as their dealers, well, maybe not quite that much.......
There is a product called G3 glasscoat. It's a ceramic layer that they apply to most of the bike and it has a 5 year warranty. It's about 120 quid plus what ever they charge to put your paint work right before application. It sounds perfect but there is no where near me that does it. Has anyone else heard of or used this?