Waco Biker Shootings

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by plug, May 18, 2015.

  1. Is it time to ban Harley Davidsons ? :)
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  2. Thought of SAMCRO when I read about it this morning.
  3. That's the answer. If you spend your time wallowing around on a great farting, vibrating monstrosity you're going to get fractious. Best to ban facial hair, denim and obesity as well. There is clearly a link.
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  4. The waitresses -


    Don't get those at Box or Loomies [emoji6]
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
  5. One of the waitresses was interviewed on a US news channel. She would have weighed more than those three put together.

    Its funny, I was at West Bay at the weekend. There must have been a run going on because the place was heaving with Vincent Owners Club gang members. There were burbly noises, thermos flasks and Belstaffs everywhere but no-one was killed. In fact I don't think a single shot was fired. Remarkable.
    • Like Like x 4
    • Funny Funny x 3
  6. I reckon they could help me out with a sausage sandwich.
  7. call those pints - someones being short changed i think.
  8. Plenty of head
  9. There's a letter missing in Waco......... ah, that's better : Wacco.
  10. Would love to live there, cults, biker gangs armed shoot outs etc. We just have Britains got talent, no contest.

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  11. I lived in Brixton (London) a few years ago. I often had to wait for the shooting to stop before going down my road (just off the Angel Estate), so I have some grasp of the 'Amerrrrc'n way of life'..... it's shit really.
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  12. Many years ago I kicked over some motorbikes to divert attention from my mates, who were being beaten up at the time. It worked. I was quite surprised, though, at how far a bunch of fat old bikers were prepared to run to exact their revenge; 2 miles later they were still giving chase...
    • Funny Funny x 2
  13. My mates are still looking for you, so don't get too complacent........

    ......they will get to you in another ten years..........
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. About 30 years ago I was in full matching leathers heading back to Colchester from Devizes on my Guzzi Le Mans, along the A4, desperate for a piddle; so I pulled into a pub which I think was The Bell at West Overton, only to find the whole place was full of hairy bikers in cut-off denim jackets and various bikes from new Harleys to chopped Triumphs etc......no sooner than I had stopped a bunch of them came menacingly towards me..........

    ............my rear wheel was spinning as I left the car park........

    ........it left a huge brown stripe on the road......
    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. Did you get their badge numbers? Were they in uniform?
  16. No. Just Americans in general. :)
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  17. Are these "biker gang" guys insecure or something? I don't get it at all. I was last in a gang at 8 years old. I mean, whats the feckin point? I watched an episode or two of that biker gang trash on discovery a few months back and found it embarrassing . Over weight middle aged men attempting to big themselves up for some reason, WHY? Won't the wife let them have the remote control for the tv at home or something?
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  18. If you want to join a club there's plenty of choice. Charitable, cultural, musical, sporting, political, religious, historical clubs abound. Why would anyone want to join a club whose purpose and function is being nasty to other people?
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  19. I blame series like 'Sons of arthritis'......bloody septics :Sour:
  20. Isnt it a way of life though to be in these gangs and better protection in a group.Reminds me of a friend that rides Harleys in a gang.They have had to knock the euro trips on the head as they were attracting a lot of interest from Interpol which is very bad for business if you know what I mean.
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