That's the answer. If you spend your time wallowing around on a great farting, vibrating monstrosity you're going to get fractious. Best to ban facial hair, denim and obesity as well. There is clearly a link.
One of the waitresses was interviewed on a US news channel. She would have weighed more than those three put together. Its funny, I was at West Bay at the weekend. There must have been a run going on because the place was heaving with Vincent Owners Club gang members. There were burbly noises, thermos flasks and Belstaffs everywhere but no-one was killed. In fact I don't think a single shot was fired. Remarkable.
Would love to live there, cults, biker gangs armed shoot outs etc. We just have Britains got talent, no contest. OGR
I lived in Brixton (London) a few years ago. I often had to wait for the shooting to stop before going down my road (just off the Angel Estate), so I have some grasp of the 'Amerrrrc'n way of life'..... it's shit really.
Many years ago I kicked over some motorbikes to divert attention from my mates, who were being beaten up at the time. It worked. I was quite surprised, though, at how far a bunch of fat old bikers were prepared to run to exact their revenge; 2 miles later they were still giving chase...
My mates are still looking for you, so don't get too complacent........ ......they will get to you in another ten years..........
About 30 years ago I was in full matching leathers heading back to Colchester from Devizes on my Guzzi Le Mans, along the A4, desperate for a piddle; so I pulled into a pub which I think was The Bell at West Overton, only to find the whole place was full of hairy bikers in cut-off denim jackets and various bikes from new Harleys to chopped Triumphs sooner than I had stopped a bunch of them came menacingly towards me.......... rear wheel was spinning as I left the car park........ left a huge brown stripe on the road......
Are these "biker gang" guys insecure or something? I don't get it at all. I was last in a gang at 8 years old. I mean, whats the feckin point? I watched an episode or two of that biker gang trash on discovery a few months back and found it embarrassing . Over weight middle aged men attempting to big themselves up for some reason, WHY? Won't the wife let them have the remote control for the tv at home or something?
If you want to join a club there's plenty of choice. Charitable, cultural, musical, sporting, political, religious, historical clubs abound. Why would anyone want to join a club whose purpose and function is being nasty to other people?
Isnt it a way of life though to be in these gangs and better protection in a group.Reminds me of a friend that rides Harleys in a gang.They have had to knock the euro trips on the head as they were attracting a lot of interest from Interpol which is very bad for business if you know what I mean.