1200 DVT My Test Drive

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by JagDucati, May 19, 2015.

  1. On a previous post I was questioning whether I should trade up my 2012 for a new one this year.
    Was all going to be dependent on the price gap and whether the test drive blew me away.

    Took one out for an hour at the weekend and was - wait for it - underwhelmed.

    First impression whilst pulling away - Bike seems lower and fatter - feels heavier in a way but very smooth. Whilst accelerating hard I found it very noisy. It seemed more of an induction noise - but maybe it was exhaust - but much noisier than my current one.
    It was the S model and suspension was good - kind of floating on air but in a solid sort of way.

    I'm only 5'8' and do find my current bike a stretch sometimes but the new one feels much lower - actually too much as it seems the pegs are also a bit higher and I don't think it will be as comfy a position on a long run. Yes the seat was on the high position so it would be worse on the lower setting.

    Engine was very smooth but didn't seem to have the same "tingle" as my current one.

    Colour display is very nice but as I need to wear glasses for reading all the settings on the bottom were just a big blur to me so a bit of a waste.

    So all in all a bit disappointed - stick with my current bike this year and maybe look again next year.
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    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  2. Excuse me but some of us are waiting for new models to arrive and we don't need any negativity thank you very much :Yawn:
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  3. I'd hope ducati consider making a smaller version for women & young-men (800cc) rather than just the 1200-beast for 2016. If its saved the company from financial ruin it would be wise to open up the range for more accessibility too a wider crowd.
  4. Not negative at all I think - My opinion after a test drive.
    Some pointers for others to consider if they are looking at one.

    We cant just have a forum filled with one sided posts.
  5. Interesting..

    Im also a 5'8, 50yr old with failing eye sight for reading!! lol

    Not all what I wanted to hear, but that's what this forum is good for, objective reviews from really people

    I have a heavly modified 2010 , decat, QD exhaust and remap, carbon bling, pampered bike, just had a 5 year ducati service and even the Tec said it was one of the best multis he had ridden

    And there begs the question, how much better with the extra pound notes would the new model be ...?

    Guess the only way to find out is arrange a test ride!!
  6. My tongue was planted very firmly in my cheek ;)
  7. Bifocals come in handy for reading dashboard messages and satnavs: if you need them stop pretending you don't.
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  8. What is your comment about the back brake ? And yes I agree the seat felt really low.
  9. Hear, hear :) oh no, that's another thing, failing eye sight and going deaf.

  10. Unless you're going for the spangly suspension I can't believe the engine and equally as important, the throttle control, is that much better than one CJS has breathed on, mine's very good at low revs (similar spec to yours) and I can't help thinking the extra money wouldn't be worth it.
    To qualify my thoughts I haven't actually ridden a DVT yet.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Very true Rivets, mine is super smooth with loads of power, but the only way I will know for sure, is get a test ride organised, next time I'm not working I'll get it booked on! Then I'll will know....
  12. I look forward to hearing what you think of the "underpowered" DVT. lol
  13. Mines a 2012 model that I had CJS tuned and my first impressions of the new DVT weren't that great. Compared to mine it felt a bit soulless really. Very smooth and ballistic at higher revs but lacking some urgency low down. Having said that I only had a quick ride so it may grow on me when I get round to a longer test, post new bike launch hysteria.
  14. Mines a boggo 2010 single banger engine and my feeling of the DVT was the same, lacked a little of the previous character? Still, at least it shouldn't need the heads replacing!
  15. Someone asked what the back brake was alike also.

    Slightly better that my one - I did hit it hard a few times just to see and it slows you down a little but I wouldn't like to rely on it. Front stopper is awesome on both bikes.

    One last point - Let the debate start.

    I think the older one is better looking as well.
  16. OK, I'll bite. I'm of two minds here. The old black beak was more distinctive, and I like the way it looks. The '15 model, however, reminds me of the Katana's lines, which helps me think of this as what the Kat might have evolved into.
    For context, both this and the Kat have had me wondering whether it's the ugliest bike I've seen or the most beautiful. Still haven't decided regarding the Multi, but that hasn't stopped me putting a deposit down.
  17. Because the DVT engine is so smooth at low revs, you tend to ride at lower revs (i.e. in a higher gear) than you would have done with the pre-DVT engine. As a result, if you open the throttle at say 2,500 revs when with the old bike you would have been doing 3,500 revs in a lower gear, the throttle response is naturally less snappy. This is not really a criticism of the DVT, just a characteristic.
  18. The CJS tune allows you to ride in the same manner and, getting on my soapbox, the throttle control is sublime. Perhaps Ducati could have saved a fortune in research and designing the DVT engine by giving Chris a quick call!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. I've ridden a 13 and 14 bike but found them to be to snatchy low down at slower speeds where the dvt motor won't be. I have a base model on order with three packs, that'll do me fine. Coming from BMW this will be a blast in comparison. Incidentally, as the demo bikes are new and mileage probable below the 600 is it likely there is some sort of restrictor inbuilt thats unlocked on the 1st service which stops you revving the tits off it to soon.
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