So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Bad times by all it seems? Thanks everyone, for your support! Ironically having some top sunny days here, am trying to stay focused jobsearching and not get the Ducati keys... :)
  2. Your new job ought to be in story telling. That was great read!
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  3. Fook! Really sorry to hear that!
  4. Sorry to hear about the job loss Darren.
    Keep your chin up and something will turn up i'm sure.

    I know Steve B's in the same boat at the moment.
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  5. Cheers mate! Its the Ducati curse! Lamb's blood over your doors! :biggrin:
  6. Sat in a cheap but not so cheerful hotel in Chester, flamin' knackered. From my Surrey pile I've been to Beverley, Wetherby, Ilkley, Lytham St Annes, Blackpool, Heswall, Llandudno and now Chester. Just going round cleaning aircon filters in shops. Tomorrow I start in Chester then go to Wilmslow and back to Beverley, then home...or rather the pub.

    We need a trainee:mad:

  7. Darren needs a job...:smile:
  8. If I could help I would, believe me. But we're feeling the pinch, and there's no way we can afford to take on anyone, hence why I'm tearing round the country cleaning filters. It's beneath me, it really is...
  9. We have some vacancies in Sainsburys coming up you may have to move though
  10. Found the van's upper limit...


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  11. Fig - just what the hell size motor you got in that van?? Or is the speedo Italian?? :biggrin:
  12. A van is just a machine, like a hoover, and you wouldn't use a hoover at half speed, would you..?

    It's an Astravan sportive 1.9CDTi thingy, with a ducatiforum sticker on it, so it's fast as f....
  13. Passed my mod 2 :D:D:D
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  14. Well done that person! :upyeah:
  15. Dropped little XxAnthhxX the elder off at the train station.....she's off to that London for the weekend.

    The zoo tomorrow and to see Lady Ga Ga on Sunday.

    She didn't believe me when I said its a strange town!.....she'll learn!
  16. She might not come back cos she'll be taken by all those golden pavements :eek:
  17. That'll be the wee then....:rolleyes:
  18. I've spoken with my DMC's sales manager about the problem I have with the documantation for my bike. He rang me which was a bonus:smile:

    Done lots of project analysis.

    Had two conference calls with clients in the States.

    Spoken to Matt46 to arrange a run out tomorrow morning across to DMC :cool:
  19. Did 15k and the pace was better, slight niggle from calf next run 16k on sunday.
  20. Good lad/lass! It's well worth the effort to take your bike test. The rewards are so much greater than driving a box.

    Please tell me you're young - we need some youngsters in this game.
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