899 What's The Difference Red Black Wheels?

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Dr Mark, May 25, 2015.

  1. Looking at the 899 perhaps mad, but what's the difference between a white one with black wheels compared to a white one with red wheels?????

  2. The white has red wheels as standard
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  3. The colour of the wheels
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  4. The red wheels are faster as the black paint is heavier.
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  5. If you're watching in black and white one's a little darker grey in the wheel area :smile:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Umm, ok but surely it's more than that? The red wheels look better against the White than black?
    Just wondering if one had missed something in the Darwinian process of the 899...?
  7. Quicker steering too then? :smile:
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  8. You shouldn't really see a white 899 with black wheels! Unless there carbon!!
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  9. There is a white 899 on ebay with bst carbon wheels, termi's etc for 10,995
  10. Its all to do with reflection of light.
    The black wheels refect very little light.
    The red wheels refect more red light.

    I could go on, but you get the jist of it?
  11. Interesting, do go on...
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  12. White light is a mixture of all colours, including those that the human eye can’t see. When we say something has colour, what we actually mean is that light of a particular range of wavelengths is reflected more strongly that light of other wavelengths. How matter behaves in the present of light, consequently turning coloured to us humans, depends on a couple of major factors. Firstly -Everything is made up of electrons and atoms, but each substances has a different number of atoms and different electron configuration. This way, when light hits matter one or more of the following phenomena happens:

    • reflection and scattering. Most objects reflect light, but some are more reflective than others, like metals. This is directly related to the number of free electrons that are able to pass from atom to atom with ease. Instead of absorbing energy from the light, the free electrons vibrate and the light energy is sent out of the material at the same frequency as the original light coming in.
    • absorption. When there’s no reflection (the object is opaque), then the incoming light source frequency is the same as, or very close to, the vibration frequency of the electrons in the given material. The electrons thus absorb most of the incoming energy, with little or no reflection.
    • transmission. If the incoming light energy is much lower or much higher than that required for the electrons comprising an object to vibrate, then the light source will pass through the material unchanged. This way matter will look transparent to the human eye, for instance glass.
    • refraction. If the energy of the incoming light is the same as the vibration frequency of the electrons in the material, the light is able to go deep into the material, and causes small vibrations in the electrons. The vibrations are then passed on from atom to atom, each vibrating at the same frequency as the incoming light source. This makes light inside the material look bent. Example: a straw in a glass of water. The part under water will look bent.
    • Like Like x 2
  13. OK, stop now :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  14. I thought some Guru would have said like, "if it has black wheels it's year...."

    I think perhaps peeps with the lesser cc machine are making it look like its big sister with black wheels in white..?
  15. The swing arm may give it away.
  16. My 899 has just had black wheels fitted, what a difference!!! Reading all the articles I didn't think they could possibly be as good as they said but I was wrong there amazing

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  17. There more than just black mate! Very nice though.
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  18. Thanks mate
  19. OMG there carbon!

    So what adjustments did you make to the suspension ?
  20. hes right, as you watch the sun set, its already gone!
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