To all those guys with the new DVT. Who you insuring it with? I just tried to change my RSV4 insurance with Bennetts to a dual bike policy to be told they do not have the DVT on their system yet so cannot insure me on it! Maybe in the future sir!! So, where do I go guys :Banghead: Cheers
Did you also tell them its called a 'ducati multistrada 2015' model? Carol Nash do multi-bike policies & that's who I am using & will amend my policy to add the multi-dvt jobbie'
When I got my 2010, no insurer had it in their database. IAM surety said they'd put it down as a multistrada 1100s (2010 model) and insure me. So I made them note the actual model details against the policy and confirm it in writing! So the 2015 model suggestion will probably work.
I insured mine through mce today, had similar trouble and just ended up saying it was the 2015 S I have a policy currently with them, so just changed bike over. Wasn't much more but excess is £1750!! Only £250 voluntary but £1500 compulsory. Piss take
They started by saying 'We can quote but without the exact model it will not be valid'. They then said when realised its not on the system 'We cannot quote. Sorry but you'll have to go elsewhere'. Annoying as the 2 bikes would be £500 fully comp, which isnt to shabby.
Ouch!! Carol Nash dont have the 2015 1200S, Only a 1200 (160HP). AND they want £1000!!! I need to talk Bennetts into it at that price!!
Had the old multi with Carole Nash. Did a mid term change which took 30 mins but eventually they took the new bike as a 2015 1200s. Just make sure they know it's the dvt model. £100 for 4 months plus £50 admin fee. Will b looking at Ducati insurance at renewal..
Think you are over complicating things. Ducati refer to them as the Multistrada 1200, 1200S and 1200S D/Air. As said above just add the model year. New Multistrada 1200 Ducati Off to try and insure my 999 TS and 1198S TSE
But Chris I know the model. But if you go on the Carol Nash website and get a quote they do not list any 2015 models. Latest is a 2014 1200S! Just done a quote with Ducati insurance. That's the way to go
£250 fully comp with Hastings, excess is £350 I think. The DVT is usually listed with the 160bhp suffix to differentiate it from the previous model.
Hastings have been pretty good for me the last 2 years, not a DVT but 2 bikes FC incl Euro breakdown, legal and leathers for £295. It's the first time I haven't had to switch bike/car insurer for years as the uplift was only £5 this year!
Was already with Ducati Insurance for my 2010 mutley, pick up 1200s touring dvt, next Thursday, getting ins for £203 with 250 excess.
Just renewed mine with Ducati Insurance. 2013 Multistrada, £200 excess, cost £185.00. There are advantages to being an old fart.
I'm with Bennetts. I just phoned and told them I was changing from my BMW K1600GT to a 2015 Ducati 1200st (my dealer told me that was my model) on Saturday at noon. He checked my new reg but it wasn't registered on the system as yet. He said that's not uncommon with new bikes. Then he said "is it a Multistrada touring bike?". I said yes, he said £79.66 more please (including paperwork etc), took the registration plate number and changed it over! No problemo unless of course I scrape it down the road and they say no way. He got the reg and the model so all fine and dandy me thinks.
Changed from K1300S. Increase of £75 premium but increased compulsory excess - worth checking. Only had a couple of months to run but will hunt around for renewal.
Just printed off my insurance details and schedule and everything appears to be in order re the bike model, reg plus excess etc. so jobs a good un.
I think its now just the 1200. Previous to the release, you can find it under the 160HP moniker. Overall the cost of insurance is about the same as the old model when I went to comparison websites. The only reason the price gets pushed up in the price. Surety (now Cornmarket) has a more expensive quote because of that. But they do add lots of stuff like being an Observer etc which I don't need. Ducati Insurance (Ramesis) gave me a more competitive quote which bettered the Surety renewal for my 2013!
NSM, I would have thought that if you haven't made a claim it should have come down by a £5 not gone up ?
Very surprised at the Ducati quotes beating anything, they came in at around 3x the price of any other insurer I got quoted on last week, that was before I even added leathers/helmet cover and the other nonsense.