1200 DVT Dash Screen Vulnerable To Scratches?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by tobers, May 24, 2015.

  1. I'd say not fit for purpose.
    They should be scratch resistant. Very poor show Ducati.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  2. FFS ACT - what do you want ferchrissake?

    Scratch proof, waterproof, easy to read, on an Eyetalian motorbike?

    Behave Son ;)
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  3. Comparing the old screen to the new one, the old is slightly matte so reflections in it are not too bad. The new one is very glossy and reflects a bit too much, especially if the sun is behind you. It can be hard to see the info.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  4. Just ordered mine, but still waiting for a delivery date for the DVT ! I've never bought parts for a bike I don't actually have before any fitting tips?
  5. Joking aside (@nsm3) I agree ACT - not fit for purpose and the more people just accept it the more it will happen. I'm getting kind of bored with all manufacturers designing bikes at premium prices with poor build quality/finish, essential items missing (rad guards etc) and safety issues that just get ignored (no rear brake on the Mutley is a safety issue).

    Rant over but just accepting you have to buy a screen cover for the dash is the thin end of the wedge imho.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  6. Received my screen protectors (6 x Savvies) today and good job they come in a pack of 6! The shape is not quite right and I ended up trimming about 1mm off the section below the Gear indicator to get the best fit. Of course could be that the Ducati screens are all 1 or 2mm different :). Once trimmed I got a good fit on my 4th attempt. As said before start from the RHS (gear indicator side) get that right and then it is easy to lay it out over the rest of the screen . Thanks Tobers
    • Like Like x 3
  7. @bolds did you mean to disagree with my post?
    Do you really believe that this is acceptable?
  8. I agree with you @Mark H but how do you get them to change their attitude to their premium rate bikes when people are still prepared to put up with the shortfalls and purchase their products ?
  9. @broke. Difficult as everyone buys their bikes to ride not leave in a dealers but, if people kept insisting on on getting faulty/sub-standard parts replaced you'd think it would eventually be less costly for manufacturers to fit decent parts? That might not be how it works but I'd have thought the cost of replacing dash after dash because of the screen for example would soon outweigh the extra initial cost of fitting something more fit for purpose.

    I'm tempted to send Ducati a set of the screen protectors and suggest they're missing a trick; if they put a small logo on them they could make a fortune. The best bit is we'd all bloody buy them as well! Ejits the lot of us. :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. I would hazard a guess that it does not cost Ducati anything for the item. I expect that any returns goes back to their supplier, who in turn supply another gratis. Where is does cost Ducati directly is reputation. Having read people ordering from spec sheets and Journo reviews, I don't think Ducati have much to worry about.
  11. I've already provided "feedback" to P&H and recommended that in the meantime they buy a load of screen protectors and fit them to customer bikes before they hand them over. Shouldn't cost them more than £50 for their Multistradas for 2015.
  12. Thing is, if its as bad as yiu all say, it needs to go on before touched at any point. Ie the factory.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Just had my order from savvies canceled by the seller. Not in stock. I'll have to try another source. Obviously they had a bit of a "run" on them!
  14. Yep, just had mine cancelled again. Can only find one other seller but they too are sold out.
    If anyone comes across any, could they post Here ASAP
  15. I have just had a pack of six Savvies dash screen films delivered today. Supplier was:
    of Konstanz, Germany. Including P&P and VAT, worked out to Euros 5.34 for six.
    At that price, I can afford to screw up the first attempt - and maybe the second - before I get it right.
  16. noticed the plastic around the cockpit very flimsy compared to the older models
  17. Meds, pm me your address and I will send you 2 of mine, doubt I will use all 6.
  18. Pm'd :):)
  19. Pete, have you got a link for this site. The only ones I could see were for a Monster ?
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