24hrs until my spinal surgery

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. Come on mate we haven't forgot you, we all want to here from you.
  2. + 1 on that.

  3. Not me. I want to hear from him :wink:
  4. And me three

    Come on funky just a little sign your doing ok :)
  6. I suspect Funky would be dissapointed if we weren't taking the piss out of each other at every opportunity :wink:
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  8. I'M ALIVE!!

    Sorry for the delay in replying but ive only been home for a few days after staying with my Dad since i was discharged..

    Im relieved and delighted to say that the operation went well and that ive been making good progess and getting a bit better every day. Im still in pain but this is almost entirely post operative and musculoskeletal now that im doing lots of physio exercises 4x a day to restore the use of my right arm and shoulder. I had my sutures out a few days and the wound is healing really well. Swallowing food is uncomfortable and my larynx is about an inch to the right but im guessing that its due to the swelling. My next apt with the surgeon is on the 17th so hopefully all will be well and i'll be able to remove the comedy neck collar and start driving (car travel at the moment is really uncomfortable).
    I start a course of physio for my neck on the 26th. Thankfully ive cut right back on the painkillers. i was on oromorph when i got home, then dihydrocodeine, ibuprofen and paracetmol..all at the same time! it made me feel really ill and messed my insides up big time but gradually ive been able to cut it all out and only take stuff you can get over the counter.
    I cant express in a forum post the gratitude i feel towards the hospital staff..particularly the HDU and theatre team. The surgeon and anesthetist were incredible and ive made a special effort to thank each and everyone personally. Im also going to visit the HDU staff on the 18th to show them how well im doing and to say thanks again. ive also decided to finally become a blood donor as its the only way i can really say thank you. If i had to give blood every 6 months for the rest of my life i'll consider that ive got off cheap.
    i cant speak highly enough of the staff, i really cant..theyve been wonderful. Its been a watershed experience in my life and im so lucky to have been given a second chance..quite literally. i was still losing weight and gradually losing the use of my arm, hand and shoulder, not to mention the constant, unrelenting pain. its given me a new perspective on how it must be to permanently live with a disability or illness.
    Another positive ive drawn from all of this is that its brought me and my Dad much closer and in particular, my step mum. My own mother died a few years ago from cancer, but this experience had brought us really close and im so happy to say that ive started to calling her 'Mum. She's been the best and im so grateful to her and Dad for looking after me and listening to my problems this year.
    The best thanks i can give them is to get well, back to being happy and healthy, new woman in my life and looking how i did a year ago.
    This probably reads like an acceptance speak, but ive got to say thanks to every single person on here who has given me their support and best wishes. Youve got no idea how much encouragement and strength ive drawn from all of you, you really dont. The whole experience has been incredibly humbling.
    Hopefully next year if im back on the bike/got the bottle to ride it, we'll meet up and you can get me a congratulatory drink.
    hugs and kisses

    i'll try and post up some pics later. for some reason the site wont accept ANY at the moment.

    oh the pics have uploaded..but theyre fkn HUGE!!
    1: DECEMBER me and now ex brother in law with his little kid just before christmas..lucky git lives in a place called Laguna beach in California
    2: DECEMBER at the gym (17" guns..not even tensed up:wink:)
    3:JANUARY guitar noodling (about 3 days before my spine went pop)
    4: MARCH a few months after previous pic..ive aged about 30 years, lost lots of hair and somehow misplaced nearly 3 stone of lean body weight..fortnight later my missus and i split up..i wonder if she didnt find me attractive anymore?
    5:AUGUST big toilet roll over my head, floating on morpheine and relief that i could wiggle my toes...hot chocolate from a childs beaker never tasted so good.
    #88 funkyrimpler, Sep 7, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2012
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  9. Hey!!!!! Funky good to see you
    Continue on your journey to good health and let life be kind to you
  10. Hey Mr. Rimpler! :upyeah:

    We had started dividing your possesions out between the forum members......

    Good to hear from you m8 and welcome home!

    But do we really have to send your stuff back?
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  11. Very best wishes for your continued recuperation. :upyeah:
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  12. that's cheered a few of us up. All the Best mate - you're on the road :upyeah:
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  13. Good to have you back, Funky! :upyeah:

    Al - reality trip! Stop pissing about your bad tooth when you could have some REAL sh!t to deal with... :smile:
  14. (I would end the ebay listings at least!)
  15. Will I still need to pay the listing fee's or could I transfer those to Funky's account?
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  16. Hey, welcome back! Really pleased to hear you're on the mend. We've been worried about you, particularly as it has been so long since you're prior post, but seeing as you've been at your folks then it all becomes clear. Also pleased to hear that you've grown closer to your folk. Keep up the good work and you'll soon be out and about on two wheels again. Chris
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  17. Hey Funky
    Sometimes people forget that with good times come bad times and you hope the ones you can count on hang on in there with you
    If not then you need to find new faces.

    It's good to read your new found love for your family as they are important and unconditionally love you.

    Get those biceps bulging and I'm sure you will have no problem pulling again

    Best bit get back to riding the duke again

    Onwards and upwards :)
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  18. Glad to hear it went well - a bit stressful letting someone bugger about with a very sharp knife mere millimetres from your spinal cord innit?

    No if's re getting back on the bike, within 2 months of my op I was offroading on a quad and 4 months post op back on a bike.

    Keep doing the physio, despite being sadists they do seem to know what they're talking about.

    All the best :upyeah:
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  19. So pleased to hear it all went well Funky, nothing like a bit of horror to sort out whats' important and what isn't !

    Sounds to me like things are going well now, and I do wish you all the best for the future mate.

    The photo of you with both thumbs up is brilliant.

    Look forward to meeting up with you sometime in the future and buying you a drink.
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