Working on it next, well now actually - I think the 848 1098 & 1198 are all the same, anyone confirm?
Unfortunately the company who are manufacturing the leads don't move quickly as they don't normally do such bespoke orders - I am just pleased they decided to take it on They are having terminals specially made and adjusted for my specification too and have to plate them after modification. Hoping the 999/749 ones will be available in 2 to 3 weeks, the 848/1098/1198 a few weeks after. I will keep you updated on here.
Unless going light weight I would personally always recommend Yuasa - I know many Ducati Specialists won't use anything else.
Yuasa are the solid, dependable choice. Some swear by Motobatt, others swear at them. Shorai etc lithium ion batteries are light and powerful but easier to kill and more expensive. Yer takes yer choice...
I'll check out the Yuasa options, thanks for the advice. It's for the race bike but it's really hard to start so I'll skip the lithium ones
Proto kit ready to go out for a 900SSIE 999 / 749 first delivery of production kits should be with me next week. 848 / 1098 / 1198 - in progress Multistrada Circa '06 - in progress 996 (probably same as 916?) - in progress Thanks to all who are helping in the background with measurements and fitment of prototype leads
My first batch of 999 / 749 kits are in the post winging there way to me now - I need to finish the instructions now I will list on Ebay and post in the for sale section with detailed info (and special forum prices) soon, it's been a long slog so I hope all is as expected :Wideyed:
I have the expensive American kit fitted to my 999 and it has transformed the way the bike starts. However, fitting it was a pain because the terminals didn't fit the battery and existing terminals at all well, the wires were super bulky, so were difficult to route and the instructions were barely adequate, having been produced by a customer. If the Exact kit can address these issues while performing as well as the American kit and at a better price, you will be on to a winner and so will your customers.
They will address all issues I'm sure of that - details soon, box arrived today, well happy with the results
They come in red, black and yellow! All bases covered, yay! Oh, except for people with white bikes (but who cares about them?! )
Nope - terminals are made specially to my spec and are now tinned copper so more expensive. Cable is a special anti vibration twist using hundreds of 0.2mm dia high quality copper too and bends really tight with no stress. All as good as I could find in the rail industry. Even the red cable is a special order for my product instead of using black. No bean counters here, just the best specification. My cable manufacturer couldn't understand me 'over specifying' to such extremes. The cables are sealed with a 35 tonne crimp and are water tight - but I have had glue coated heat shrink to double seal and the inspection holes taken out of the terminals specially - all at extra cost to give the best product possible which will never deteriorate Thanks for asking though and well spotted.