I've got a track only what was 04 749s. I had in my head that the 05/06 models had lighter wheels for some reason. Is this right? Worth the swap? Or should I be looking for a 1098 front and the rear is already good enough? Advice greatly appreciated. Thanks
All the base and S models have similar cast wheels. R models have forged wheels which are lighter (and expensive).
Great, makes sense. Are the later model's front wheels have a forged or cast unit and are they lighter?
As I said, all the base and S models have similar cast wheels. No differences between model years. Early R's have different style forged wheels than the later versions, though.
As per above, chasing Forged Marchesini and these appear to have the 'sticker' but their price doesn't reflect that they are indeed the Forged versions... Is there anyway to tell if they are genuinely forged? DUCATI 999S 2006 MARCHESINI WHEELS AND SPROCKET 749 999 749S 999S 749R 999R | eBay @final_edition thought you might know? I remember you were selling some a while back... you wouldn't still have any would you?
The ones I had have been sold. @Nelson is correct they are the basic wheels. Early forged 999R wheels have the "H" section spokes (Also seen on the mag wheels) the later ones have tapered skinny square section spoked ones, the same as the 749R. I do know where there is a new forged ally front and a good s/h mag rear both 17" for £700. If you want I can put you in contact with the guy.
Perfect, yes please! Engine still going by the way - pulled 140 on the dyno - Jerez track day complete - fingers crossed...
140! That's pretty darn good for a 749S motor - what have you done to it? Is that measured at the wheel? Hypermotard S is forged and fits.
I'd previously bought final_edition's 999s engine and did the swap... it was at the wheel. Thanks for the advice.
Aha, that explains it, I thought that you must have chucked a shed load of bits at a 749S motor to achieve that figure! My 749R motor only produces 138rwbhp...
I've might have a 848 Marchesini forged front wheel & discs for sale (depends what my next bike is...) Pretty sure they fit 749 / 999?? Bob
Thanks Bob, I've just committed to a Forged 'new' Fila front and Marchesini Magnesium rear - giddy-up