1200 DVT Mcn Test V Bmw Xr

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by MaDProFF, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. err.... their not allowed to lie no matter how biased they are....... are they?
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Read the article. Three words came to mind:


    Chalk and cheese...
  3. Four words for me...RTFM
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I couldn't care less how good the BMW is I just could not want one, it's not in me. It's German and pig ugly :)
  5. I couldn't live with that XR engine. Too frantic. And the reason the top gear rollon is faster on the XR is because it is geared so low, which makes motorway cruising simply not relaxing (judging from my ride on an S1000R with same engine & gearing).

    Two of my friends are getting them though, so we'll see who wins! At least they'll be able to use one XR as spares for the other and keep one bike moving. And anyone who thinks the Multistrada is slow needs their heads examining.

    I am extremely pleased with my Multistrada. I wouldn't want to go and just stand in my garage with a beer looking at the BMW. I find myself doing that with the Ducati.
    • Like Like x 2
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  6. 100% this.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. He He I find my self doing that with a coffee in one hand and a rag with WD40 in the other trying to catch the oxidisation before it gets through the crap finish on the casings, brackets and fixings.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Well I've been thinking. I may keep my mutly until next spring then see about trading it in for a BM if it testrides ok. I was talking to a guy at Hawes on Sunday, he had a Triumph Explorer XC, he said something that hit home as I'm always feeling the same. He said "I loved my Multistrada, but Every time I rode it in the back of my mind I felt like something was about to go wrong".
    When my warranty runs out I think the feeling will be overwhelming. hence I'm thinking of trading in.
  9. BMW or Triumph ? thought you wanted something more reliable :)
  10. Something with less power and a mega soft chassis vs something that will be even less reliable and far less of a tourer not to mention the ridicule even if Ewan wannabes
  11. I have done 11.5K + on my MS 2014, been a few minor things, but nothing that has ever stopped me riding it, or ever let me down, or even close to thinking it was gonna break down. I also think those niggle issues like switch gear etc they have looked at big improvements on the new one. I think they are a hell of a lot more reliable than a while back, (no experience though for me in that department) and my K1300R had just as many if not more seriuos issues and recalls, but tbf again it never let me down or broke down. biggest issue for me is COST :( but again now the major service is 18k and 9k minor, personally I would like to change the oil before then
  12. The new BM has more power than the Duke and Ewan didn't ride the new one?
  13. Ewan just isnt man enough. I mean, he couodnt even defeat Count Dooku on hisnown, and he was an 80yr old ex-vampire!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Triumph or BMW....
  15. BM the Triumph is as flat as a witches tit, or do you think I should increase cylinders 1 at a time? just in case I can't handle the power?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Yep. Until you reach the Rocket ;)
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