Advice Please - What Would You Do

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kato, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. There are 2 cars in my street used daily (by the same fellow) without MOT or Tax so presumably no insurance now I know one of my neighbors has reported this to the DVLA, police and the council none of which want to do anything about it, because the driver often blocks his drive, it goes against every sinew of my being to get involved and report people but my elderly neighbor thinks he is being ignored and keeps asking me to help!!!!
  2. How do you know they don't have tax and MOT?
    There is a car around the corner from me with a big yellow clamp and a sign saying no tax on vehicle from the DVLA
    So it does work
    We have a neighbour that constantly has 4/5 cars parking so no one else can
    As long as they are taxed and insured there is nothing that can be done to stop them all parking outside
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  3. I have made comments to the drivers it's ok for a while then I have to give them a gentle reminder
    I'm not too inclined to make too many waves as I like the way my car looks without scratches and broken mirrors
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  4. You should report him to all departments concerned, uninsured drivers impact on everyone pushing up costs.
  5. Report your elderly neighbour to the NHS stating he suffers from a car-fixated delirium, the police, council and DVLA have proof, he gets taken away to an asylum, end of problem, no?
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  6. That's if he is uninsured the elderly neighbour maybe using that to involve his neighbours by getting them wound up enough to help him
    Old people can be very manipulative
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  7. ^^^ And mention that you are thinking of approaching the local media about the lack of response from all the agencies concerned :upyeah:, fuckers like this cost everyone else money :mad:.
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  8. Its an easy check I looked up the Reg @ Check if a vehicle is taxed - GOV.UK one came back with SORN / MOT expired 2011 wish I'd never looked now
    • Useful Useful x 2
  9. Take photo's of them on the street for evidence as well.

    If you want the privilege of using the road, you must accept the responsibilities as well.
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  10. Wonder why the police and DVLA don't want to know or..... The elderly neighbour hasn't reported it and is waiting for someone else too
    I'm not sure I would be involved unless it was causing a nuisance to you too or could you if you want to support the the elderly neighbour while they talk to the offending neighbour
    Elderly people are happy to get other neighbours involved but at the cost of your own vehicle
  11. Some intelligent dude said ; For tyranny to flourish, all good men have to do is nothing.... or something like that :Facepalm:.
  12. Yeah I get that Dave........However "the man" is constantly persecuting all road users not always for good reason and it really grates on me to consider helping the authorities even if this chap is totally in the wrong

    I could do something anonymously but then I'm going feel underhand and sneaky, but if I'm openly seen to be doing anything about this then all that's going to do is lead to confrontation and I'm bad tempered enough as it is and don't need some twat gobbing off at me

    Then there is if anything like an accident were to happen then I'm going to feel as if I had some responsibility for it having not reported him

    Too many dilemma's for a Tuesday morning:mad::mad::mad:
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  13. yip, had a drunk in last week looking for advice, i sent him packing, but was left with the quandary of report or not report., i casually mentioned it to my retired copper mate who i am sure will mention a word or two in the correct ear hole.
    he also tells me there is a site on the dvla for reporting incidents
  14. I think your elderly neighbour is naughty putting this dilemma onto you but.... could you live with knowing that you knew about this senario and an accident had happened
    Oooooo don't you wish people wouldn't involve you
    I would probably contact DVLA and forget about it
    Who will know it's you that did it it could be anyone of you who lives there
    Feel ya dilemma Kato :(
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  15. If already reported I can't understand why no one's been round as 'they' have upped the anti round here on any cars like this. is it a private road?
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  16. It would be understandable if you were reluctant to report somebody who has broken the law briefly, harmlessly, or inadvertently. MOT a couple of days late, tyre tread getting a bit thin, speed a few MPH over: you might feel like allowing a bit of a "margin of appreciation", to borrow the European Court's expression.

    The circumstance you describe is of someone who has broken several laws deliberately, blatantly, continuously, and persisted for years on end. You might feel this goes far beyond a doubtful or marginal case.
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  17. I would report it if I were in your shoes but would try to do so anonymously . Why court aggro ?
    If there is no tax or mot then it is not insured. Each person who does not contribute adds a little more to each of those who do so I don't think it is a case of helping the authorities any more than a case of helping yourself.
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  18. There is something peculiarly distasteful about anonymous informers. There is a tincture of cowardice about it; wanting to get someone else into trouble clandestinely without risking any trouble yourself. If you were trying to tackle violent, threatening, intimidatory criminals anonymity might be advisable, but road tax and MOT offences?
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  19. Move somewhere less pikey?
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
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