Advice Please - What Would You Do

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kato, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. I agree Pete, but here is the scenario

    Me ...ex pro rugby player fairly big chap bad tempered at the best of times

    Idiot with cars ... gobby twat liable to try his luck (reliably informed it has happened in the past)

    There is only ever going to be one winner who is also going to be the loser when the cops come knocking

  2. Best idea yet thanks Antonye knew I could rely on you mate
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  3. I try my best :)
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  4. This is why you have been dragged into it I suspect

    I'm sure you could contain yourself while meaning what you say ;)
    Just report the cars through the right channels and let that be it
    Tell no neighbours not even the elderly one
    Then next time your neighbour wants to moan stop them right there and tell them your not interested end of
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  5. At least you got a reply
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  6. How on Earth could you anticipate that the Road Tax /insurance cheat is not also a violent, threatening and intimidatory criminal? In many cases, I suspect, the various attributes of lawlessness all go hand-in-hand.

    If there were effective protection in law for an informant who announces to all concerned that he has informed the authorities of this matter, I could see the benefit. However, the chances that things will escalate in an extra-legal fashion are probably significant. It wouldn't matter*** whether it was the Road Tax cheat or our forum member that ended up out-of-pocket or in hospital - a lot of aggro could have been avoided by anonymously informing.

    *** Obviously, I'd rather our forum member came up on-top in this case but as he has said, if it ends up with the Road Tax cheat getting a slap for acting-up, our forum member could still end up in court - no winners either way.

    The way I see it, you cannot win. You get your car keyed, etc for"grassing up" the cheat ... you get beaten up for it ... you beat the crap out of the cheat because he has tried it on with you and then go to court for that. Those are the true costs of being seen to be an informant, a friend to the elderly neighbour in this instance, an upright and above-board member of your community, etc.

  7. The offender in question is probably likely to already exhibit those traits Pete
    Trouble makers aren't nice upstanding citizens you can have coffee with
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. For what it's worth, get the information, who to report which offence to etc etc and pass it on to the neighbour with the problem, explain the procedure. Then sit back, open a few bottles of beer, relax and get on with your life. :)
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  9. The neighbour supposedly has done so with no action so is now involving Kato
    Are you drinking ;)
  10. I wish I was, perfect day for it. Yes I understand he is asking for help, however as Kato has said, it will not end well, therefore no point getting involved. Maybe it's just me I just prefer to avoid confrontations, unless they personally affect me. Don't get me wrong it's nice to help, but you have to draw the line.
  11. I don't do confrontation either but as I get older I seem to be courting it :Wideyed:

    It is nice to help but my experience is that when the poop hits the fan the same neighbours are indoors out of the way not wanting to get involved in the trouble they started in the first place :Banghead:
  12. When it comes to violent assaults, the objective of the law is to restrain aggressors and protect those who only defend themselves. The purpose of a police investigation, a prosecutor's decision, and ultimately a trial process is to establish who was at fault, punish the perpetrator, and protect the victim. Whilst the system is by no means perfect, I think it is going too far to assume that the innocent are always punished and the guilty always protected.
  13. Thank you.

    If you can let me have this in writing, counter-signed by the CPS, I will be grateful.
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  14. For me, this is a no brainer, the clown obviously has no respect for the laws of this land to continue to use a vehicle without tax and insurance on a public road that you and I use with our hard earned dollar funding our movements. Why on earth does this idiot think he is exempt from all responsibility?

    The grief that a collision with this gonad would cause is too much to even contemplate, let alone the physical pain that could change ones life forever.
    Report the twit, and if no one is prepared to do anything then report that too.

    To be intimidated as to what he might do is not the way forward, quite the opposite, its the way back. I would not hesitate!:Shifty:
  15. Pm me the reg number, street and make / model and I'll do it for you.
    If the chaps above board then nothing will come of it.
    If he's not then you've not done the deed.
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  16. Next time one of the cars is on the street, phone the local scrappy (always dodgy bastards), tell them you've lost the log book, but they can have the car as you can't afford to insure, tax, or MOT it and it's theirs as long as its gone before the day's out.

    The conversation at the police station will probably go something like, 'The car wot I bin driving illegally for the last 6 years has done one on its own. Can you help me find it, please?'
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  17. Oh no you don't
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  18. put a banana up his exhaust
  19. Hi any body know s what's error 6 on a ducati 696 pls 2008

  20. I think your in the wrong thread
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