The battery on the DVT is 10 Amp-hours. It strikes me that this is a pretty minimal size for a device which has to start a 1200 twin with no compression release system (i.e. unlike the Panigale). That battery will have to work awful hard, especially when it gets a year or two old. Don't imagine a bigger one could easily be substituted, because its is crammed in pretty tight (and laid down at a strange angle, incidentally). I fear that we may find batteries need replacing regularly. Any opinions on this?
You mean it's even smaller than the YT12-B4 fitted to the old model and nearly every other current Ducati?
and just to make you worry more, if it goes flat don't think you will just bump start it because you can't :Arghh:
To be fair, that's not an issue unique to the Multistrada. Can you bump start any fuel injected bike?(with a flat battery)
Depends how flat the battery is. As long as it has enough power to run the fuel pump and creae sparks you can. I once left the parking light on my ST4s when at work one day. When I came out the starter wouldn't turn the engine over but the pump was running so I was able to bump it.
Whats the issue with the MS then, if battery is too flat to crank the starter, but supplying enough power for the system, why won't it bump start?
The slipper clutch does not allow the back wheel to turn the engine over, you just get a kind of ratchet sound, well I did when I tried and it kind of makes sense
I would really like to know if the battery is smaller in the DVT than the 2010-2014 models as I would like to transfer my lithium battery to the new one when I get it. The lithium should also manage more engine starts than a traditional one as it will provide full amps until the very end where as standard ones start to drop off half way.
Oh, I see what you mean. Another advance in technology, hmm. I'd probably too small to attempt bump starting it anyway, lol.
Apparently the trick is to turn the headlight on for a minute before trying the starter. This warms up the battery to allow a higher current output.
My MTS is on the original battery, fitted December 2012. Always starts first go, does not seem to be an issue so far. Bike used every week for good outings,observing etc. No problem in the middle of winter either.
It will always start every time if you use it every week, (unless the battery has really had it) leave it for a month and try starting it, it will prob start, but when turning it over you think this is going to be close, not to mention the sinking feeling in your stomach