Iam Track Skills Day

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Shorty118, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. Has anyone done the IAM track based skills days, if so what are they like and are they worth doing?
    I wanted to do the british superbike school, but it's 2hrs away so I'd probably have to over night the night before thus making it expensive. IAM are doing a skills day on Croft and that's only 10 miles away.
  2. Put in the wrong area could someone move to the track area please.
  3. Is it track or road skills you are aiming for? Not sure if IAM do both
    #3 bradders, Jun 20, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2015
  4. If it's designed for road riding, and that's what you want, why go to a track for it? Nothing coming the other way, no one pulling out on you, no farmers in fields about to appear out of a field. All the things you need to anticipate to ride faster are simply missing. Imho
    #5 bradders, Jun 20, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2015
  5. Did my IAM in 1991,at the time I was doing instructing,so all my training was free (perks of the job).
    I'd highly recommend it to improve your road-riding skills,as they teach you to continually read the road and to keep moving,as long as your safety comes first.They usually take you on every type of road there is ie., M-way,A road,B road,Dual carriageway,etc., Even now,I still remember loads.
  6. Can we start a new thread on Bradders' auto correct/iPad knows better, some of these are cracking me up.
    'is it tesco or road skills'. 'All the things you need to antipathetic', just what is antipathetic?
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  7. Oh Bradders it's NG at Castle Combe next weekend, I've got some tickets if you are planning on going.
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  8. Yes please...havent told the. Issus yet ;) may need two if @Peroni comes along
  9. I've got two so no problem.
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  10. Was goimg to do sunday but drinky needs tickets so will be sat and see about sun..
  11. If you want to do Sunday as well mate just give us a call when you get to the gate and I'll bring tickets to you so you can get in.
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