Full video of the attempted armed robbery at Ducati dealer

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Nobbi1977, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. Respect to them for standing up but it could have been worse.

    LOL at high viz guy getting owned twice!
  2. Im angry now.

    Plenty of evidence there.
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  3. Did the shop guys really do that much?
    I thought their response was totally piss weak TBH, apart from pushing one of those scrawny wee shites over twice, that was it? While moped boy was on the deck, it would have been easy to put the boot in, or just grab the bastard and wait a bit - he'd struggle like hell in a helmet

    Looked a very schoolboy bout of slapping and pushing to me, several chances to grip at least one and that would be it

    A poor show IMO and not much to shout about
  4. I'd love to have gotten hold of one of them!
  5. Yes right, remember some of them are just staff so not paid for police work. Guy in white is I think the owner, the Italian guy.

    On a side note, so they push it out of the shop, then what?
  6. Theres some nasty little scroats in Croydon.. I'm born and bred there.

    It's got right rough.
    My sister got attacked on a bus driver ignored it...

    Her ex Bf got attacked in a pub in the loos got jumped and nicked everything.

    My mum had to wear a panic alarm linked to police station as they kept getting people trying to do them over or druggies out of their heads or the same screaming and lurching at her for their Methadone!
    She worked in a chemist.

    Police advise do not be a hero!
    Allot sadly carry knives now :(
  7. Criminals ain't the sharpest tools in the box, it has to be said. Take the instance of the two idiots who tried to mug my cousin Wizzo; needless to say they didn't achieve their aim. Wizzo, you see, is a 6ft+ brick-shithouse of a man with a Millwall tattoo on his head. Now, you'd think they would take one look at him and decide to mug some old granny instead, but no, they gave it their best shot. Both were hospitalised after he beat the crap out of them and rifled their pockets, to show them how it felt...

    Yes, this was in Croydon.
  8. I think the staff did plenty... Those buggers were waving hammers about FFS!

    What the hell were they going to do with the bikes once outside the shop? Push them all the way through da hood back to da crib?
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  9. If I had been the staff member with the beard, I think the second time the guy in the hi-viz had gone down, my boots would have gone in, enough at least to be able to detain one of them....

    .....judging by the vehicles and the clothes, these were teenagers around 17 or 18 (20 max), probably like the ones that do the jeweller's shops.

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  10. And under current laws if caught the little scrotes would get some ambulance chasing lawyer and counter sue for undue force, staff members can win these days due to human rights
  11. Sorry, but in those circumstances, I don't give a flying f-k about scrotes' rights....as far as I am concerned people like that lose their rights if they embark on actions such as displayed.....that includes burglary etc etc etc.....

    ....in fact I welcome the actions of people like Tony Martin and the other people that recently shot at four burglars.

    And in the case of Tony Martin, he shot at them while they were 'running away'......so f-kin what? Scum

    It's a pity Tony Martin wasn't more eloquent and quick thinking.....he could have easily said they weren't running away....it would have been his word against the other piece of scum that lived.

    #12 Ghost Rider, Sep 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2012
  12. Or do you think the police would have just looked at the entry wounds to see if they were on the front or back of the body to determin if they were moving towards or away from the shooter :eek:
  13. "Sorry, Your Honour, he turned just as I fired"................:rolleyes:

  14. Staff did much more then paid for. Owner should the least provide sufficient beet as thx. None of you have idea if except hammers they were not packing knife. Sorry but one lucky stub and lights out for a piece of metal & plastic. Not worth it. Re bloke on floor, yes maybe he should have held him, but did you see 3 others in that shoot? For all I know he took a machete out. Remember those would not leave 4 behind till sirens. That can be long and desperate few minutes for all 4 criminals.

    Sad thing is there will be retribution.
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  15. Beardy bloke picked up the iron bar didn't he? It looks as though he could have easily smacked the little c*** across the knee or collarbone......

    I would have been less restrained, as unfit as I am.......I'm a great believer in the philosophy, if you get someone down, don't let the f-ker get up....that's what comes of being a small bloke and weedy when I was a kid.

  16. Sadly law ain't that good. If they had other weapons yes if they did not (or grounds to believe they did not) he could not usr the bar. As stupid as it sounds he would be paying the price.
  17. In that attempt, Beardy was threatenedwith the bar, therefore he would be within his rights to smack the tw*t with the bar.

    You are permitted under the law to use reasonable force if you are threatened, or fear for your safety.......

    "Sorry, Your Honour, I whacked him because I was frightened for me and my colleagues".

    likewise, in the middle of the night.....

    "Sorry, Your Honour, there were four of them and I feared for me and my family's safety, so I shot at them"


    "Sorry, Your Honour, I fired at the floor in front of him as he was approaching me.....I didn't realise at such a close range all the shot would bounce up and take his nuts off"

  18. AL fully agree with you re we should be able to kick their head in.

    However there was 5 staff vs 4 scum. You can try and stop them but when they are on the floor you can not kick them, not in front of cctv. When they pulled bars you can pull equivalent tool so I guess bigger bar :). The moment they dropped it you can not use yours as in this case there was more staff then scum. Stupid yes, fair no, reality yes.

    Andyb could comment on that, hope he does.
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  19. Well, I think you are wrong.....as far as I am concerned, I can use what reasonable force I deem necessary to make a public arrest......and if that means whacking a violent thief with his own bar that he threatened me with, then I'll do it.....The thug wasn't running away was he? In fact he kept coming back, so in my view the threat was still there.....

    I also got the impression there were more than four in the group.

    If the situation arises for me, I'll take my chances.......If I can get my inhaler out first.

    #20 Ghost Rider, Sep 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2012
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