So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Spend a nice day in stratford on Avon with the wife. Saw loads of bikes and got very depressed that mine was sat in the garage in bits.

  2. Went to a bike show up Lowestoft and caught a stinking cold!
    Im glad velvet plant 3 trees for each one they chop down ..... 2 rolls so far SNOT nice :)
  3. went to the southern doc rally sat evening
    dropped bike on grass at campsite
    unbenown to me this converted the side stand back to auto retract
    bike fell at fuel station trapping my ankle between it and the kerb
    big heap on floor
    am hobbling around now odd shaped lump on foot toes like sausages
    and trashed left hand fairing
    had a good time at the rally tho
    ride home was bloody difficult
    as was boot removal when l got there
    regards Steve
  4. Ouch Steve, hope nothing too serious and the bike doesn't cost too much to repair.
  5. We were thinking of going to this but wanted to avoid all the bloody cyclists. I assume the weather wasn't the cause of your cold? Get better soon, Chris
  6. l will live fairing is fibre glass so that will fix
    saw lods of ducatis on the a350 on my way home coming from the swindon thing l spose


    Here to help! :upyeah::biggrin:
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  8. Steve, yer daft bat - let me guess what you're thinking now ....... "whilst the fairing is getting fixed, I may as well do some other mods to the bike....." :wink:

    I have the horrible task this morning of running in new piston rings ... Oh the sheer torture of having to ride the bike for 20-30 miles through the countryside, cycling the engine through ever increasing 'on throttle, off throttle' patterns until it settles down enough to reach full throttle, being forced to listen to it as it growls up the revs, then bellows on the over-run ...... I don't know how I'll cope ....:biggrin:
  9. Darren yer a cnut

    sarcasm does not become you:wink:

  10. :biggrin::tongue:

    What is going on with your bike?? Its been on its back more times than a barrack-room queen?

    "Of COURSE it fell over, its only got two wheels!"
  11. Today I cut 4" off the back of my Monster :eek::eek::eek:
  12. Now your just bragging!
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  13. I wish I had 4" to cut off my Monster :frown:
  14. I would just like a monster
  15. Yeah but the monster with 2 wheels not the monster with one eye :wink:
  16. Of course but both would be a bonus
  17. I can give you one (ooo errr missus) out of two :)
  18. :)
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