In a similar vein, my wife insists on going out of her way to get petrol at 1p per litre cheaper (saving <1%), if at all possible. Yet she drives with a far more leaden foot than me. I reckon I'd be getting at least 5-10% better fuel economy just with my more serene driving style. I haven't had the heart/nerve to point that out yet... :Angelic:
Although I am the better driver/parker, she does always point out that I am the only one who's crashed the car... What actually happened was I was approaching a corner in a slippery autumn and said "you can get the back end out on this corner, watch this". Overcooked it into a bush. No damage just a scared missus and me giggling (on the inside).
My Doris (now ex Doris) believes that any fuel added to the car over the "full" mark goes into a special reserve tank...:Kiss: