Tyres pressures

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Bugsbunny, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. Hi nothing major, can someone please tell me what tyre pressures should be ? - have decided to do my first check after 17k miles and 3 sets of tyres, they passed the kick and one hand squeeze test twice - but just felt kinda funny on way home tonight.

    - normal nothing fancy please just for everyday riding...

    Have dun sportsmarts on btw but just tell me what they should be normally...


  2. The think the hand book says 36/36 solo, but I always run 33/36.
  3. So you don't RTFM :wink:
  4. Why bother with all that fuss?
    There's a formula I use - divide your mental age by your nob girth and multiply by your IQ for the front. Add 5 for the back

  5. I go with 36F/42R (17 stone).
  6. Couldn't find it in the manual, (also couldn't find the frozen bacon for tomorrow morning in the freezer). Tks all.
  7. Umbra :eek: I thought your tyre's were looking a bit flat when I passed you the other day ............ may be you need to multiply your nob girth x10 first :smile::smile: LOL

    I find a couple or 3 psi low in the Scorpions makes the back end soft and bouncy and causes a patter on the front to set up.
    It could be to do with my 18 stone and luggage on board though.
    I run 2.5 bar and 2.9 bar loaded.
  8. IMHO from the basic 36 psi, it's a good idea to drop to about 32 psi cold for trackdays or very fast work. Then while the tyre is really hot, it goes up to about 40 or 41 psi, which is fine. Should be put back to 36 psi cold for ordinary road work, + more for passengers or luggage (or obesity).
  9. BTW, the manual suggestion only ever applies to the OEM tyres that the manufacturer puts on the bike. If you have different tyres, you should go with their Manufacturer's recommendation. For pretty much anything over 600cc, it's 36F/42R for most tyres but there are always going to be exceptions.
  10. With you on the tyre checking method but the manual states in the region of 36/36 for the OE tyres.
  11. ...which aren't Sportsmarts.
  12. Michelin recommended tyre pressure for mpr3's is 42 front and back but I have been running 34 F and 36 B without any problems. I had a new pair fitted last week which is when I was told what the recommended pressures are, I will stick with 34f and 36b for a couple of weeks and then try the recommended 42 f&b and see if there is any noticeable difference
    Single rider 13.5st.
  13. A quick way to tell if your pressures are correct is to look at the wear on the tread. Run your hand over the tread, top to bottom. If you've been under-inflating, you'll get pronounced lower edges of the tread channels. If you've been under-inflating, you'll get pronounced top tread edges. Ideal pressures will wear top and bottom evenly.

    I had PR3s put on my new MTS by the dealer. I assumed they had inflated them correctly but they had gone with the (incorrect) OEM pressures and the rear had actually been 6psi down (though it felt perfectly fine to ride). I started showing lower edge wear after about 200 miles!
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