1200 DVT All Trips Resetting?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by ChrisHarris, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. Not sure if I am doing something stupid (probably!!) but I have just picked up my new Multi S DVT and said goodbye to the old GT version and I noticed that every time I turn the bike off, all the trips and averages associated with them re-set! The clock stays correct and the overall odometer reading stays correct, but all the rest return to zero - is this something anyone else has noticed or is my bike suffering from a software glitch??
    What an amazing bike though! Although obviously the same beast, it is completely different; the engine mapping, handling and overall performance leave the old bike in the shade. Cannot believe the difference. AWESOME!!
  2. Happens on mine too, clearly a bug an a little annoying
  3. I think I remember some others on here mentioning that. Probably a software update needed from your dealer.
  4. +1 on mine too, will mention it to the dealer when next down that way.
  5. Change trips to Km in options as a temp fix until the dealers have a software update (KM trip meter works fine)
  6. I couldn't understand why my trips worked perfectly on a ride to France and Germany but later seemed to stop working for no apparent reason. Then the eurocent dropped - trips work on Kilometres, but don't work on Miles. Software update is needed, for sure.
  7. +1, km works, miles do not.
  8. Is this problem with just the TFT screen or for both types of screen as I,ve gone for the std MTS
  9. Mine does it as well, from the very first fill, turn the ignition off and back on and PRESTO its back to Zero. Mine was in for first service last week and DUCATI knew about it. Software glitch and they do not have a fix as of yet.
  10. If it works fine in KM that'll be a software bug. Some programmer somewhere will be sitting in the corner with his 'D' hat on. I would assume, that particular portion of code will have been replicated on both models.

  11. So yours is the std model?
  12. Only took them 18 months to put a fix in for the indicator issue on the twin spark. Fingers crossed they are a little more dynamic with this.
  13. No problems with trip meters here. Standard model bike. No resets in mph or kmh modes.
  14. mine works intermittently. Haven't noticed a pattern yet.
  15. Mine does it too. Fine in KM, only when on Miles. Will need a software update.
  16. Mine's the S version with the TFT screen and I have had this problem since day 1
  17. Mine is the DVT sport
  18. Booked in tomorrow at M&S Newcastle for the firmware update which fixes the trip problem.
  19. I got my software fix today, took about 15 minutes. Now I have working trip meters when in Mph.
    Fuel gauge worked intermittently today and dealer had ordered a new sender unit. I've taken my seat for reupholstering too,
    Should be ready in 3 weeks.
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  20. Got my done last Saturday and the software fix seems to have worked so far.
    Working perfectly so far.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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