
Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Thinfras, Jun 28, 2015.

  1. Diavel Carbon owner, but now waiting on delivery of my new 1299s. How's everyone doing?
  2. Alright bud,hows yourself?
  3. Hi and welcome :D
  4. doing well:) must admit i just picked up an 1199s but did fancy the 1299s couldn't justify another 6k:Arghh:
  5. Hello and welcome into the mad house :)
  6. welcome - nice avatar - it's reminded me to change mine ;)
  7. Doing well Dave. Yourself? :)
  8. That's my other favourite for of transport. But motorcycling is and always my first love.
  9. Used the 1299 when I was at Californian Superbike school and loved it, a lot lighter than my Diavel. Hence me changing.
  10. Hello and welcome :)
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