I've met a dozen or so and all seemed like really nice people. As with life you get all sorts and I felt a little richer (in the soul) and lighter of heart for the experience. It's on here that a few choose to bully or bad mouth, not when you are standing in front of them. With the forum its hard to gauge when someone is trying to be funny, sarcastic or really is upset about something or your view/opinion. I'd recommend meeting as many forum members as possible as I've never had a negative experience.
Phone voices can be deceiving. At work we have a saying for nice sounding people. Nice on the phone, add 3 stone. :Bag:
There are a couple of people I look forward to meeting again at some point. Just to ask a question or two.
Yeah I heard they had reduced the seat height on the new model, hope you aint got to wait to long then to pick it up.