1200 DVT Engine Map Software Update?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by tobers, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. Following from a post in the "shimmering" thread:

    There also was a software update that I feel has improved both touring and sport map, bike accelerates much better, I was even able to set DTC back to 5 for the touring map and enjoy it as I did before the update with it set at 3.
    Please share any more info on this software update and what it does, and if there's a process to get it downloaded or whether we just rock up at our local dealer and get plugged in.

    It'd be nice to download it to the bike over bluetooth from my phone but I guess that's going a bit too far.
  2. I think it would have been nice for the dealers to just contact you about it
  3. I suspect the only way you will get it is with a service or to fix a problem that you have reported to them - Trip Meters? - But not sure if all UK ones have the trip issue or just the S versions?

    Mine goes in for 600 mile service Monday - so will see what they do.

    Although I have to say I notice no big issues in power / fueling / Throttle now - my only real issue (minor) is the trip meters.
  4. Mine was only serviced just over a week ago, update was not out then, I have S version and trip meter prob, but tbh Pro twins my dealer would always do an update if there was one and I asked for it, I will ask them for next week, if some have read my comments I did comment on the instant power was less than the older multi, I have all my settings except urban in high mode.
  5. Dealer won't update the bike for no reason. It takes half hour, but in case of problem will take much more and they cannot do it without an appointment.

    In my updates there was fueling stuff and the front led (probably something wrong with the cornering light).
    No trip meter fix, it still resets on key off (which is good so I have an excuse to pop back again in a month or so to check for another update)

    As I said, and I've tried again today, the bike has definitely improved the acceleration in touring. Before the update I had to set the DTC to 3 to enjoy the bike, now all default (5) the bike is much snappier, engine feel stronger.
  6. Matt 23 not sure why you make a comment like that, yes I am sure a dealer would not be too happy if you turned up on the door step, but they would be foolish to not let you book it in for an update, considering the amount of update and my next service is like 8k miles away there would be hell to pay if they said to me oh sorry we will only do it on the next service. I am 100% sure if I phoned them they will book it in for me at no cost, so sure now they said I can just phone them up and the can do it anytime just need to let them know. Although they do not know of an update, but maybe they have not serviced a bike since it came out.
  7. Mine was in for its first service yesterday. The dealer's computer took a dump before my service and so if there was a general software update it wasn't installed - the dealership made no reference to any such update but did say that an update to fix the trip meter resetting problem is expected soon, possibly next week.....I came away with the service lights not reset (and heated grips not working) and so will be returning in the next week or so, by which time any software updates should be available.

  8. didn't mean to say that.. I meant to say that if you just pop at the dealer to update your bike they won't do it as it's not a 5 minute job - there could be a problem while updating and in that case it might take up to 2 hours to restore the previous firmware and update again, they are very busy this time of the year.. probably over xmas they might check it with no appointment :D
    Of course they would if you book.

    They may also ask you why you want to update, and usually "because I see it on a forum" does not work. So that's why a known issue like the trip meter is a good excuse to have an update check!

    Also, I may be wrong, but unless there is an issue with the bike or an official recall or bulletin, ducati does not pay for the hour your dealer takes to update your bike.
    #8 Matt23, Jul 9, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2015
  9. I think every dealer is different, Some far better than others
  10. I've never had a vehicle before which is reliant on so much software, therefore requiring the unavoidable updates to patch bugs, improve operation etc. I've not got a problem with that, I knew the Multi is a complex thing before I got it. Why though, is it not possible to display, perhaps in the settings, the software(firmware?) version number which is installed in the bike? This would eliminate all the "guessing" which seems to surround the bugs we have. Perhaps Ducati don't want us to know what standard our bikes are at, without attending a dealership.
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