1199 Service And Software Update

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Sam1199, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. Just had mine serviced. The software was updated and I noticed immediately that it ran smoother.
    Very pleased with that.

    Does anyone else find that in wet mode the engine feels rougher? Or is it just that generally in wet mode I'm running at lower revs, therefore rougher?
  2. I don't find it runs rougher, in fact it runs smoother, less on or off or snatchy
  3. Rob, it's not the throttle it's the engine that I think is rougher in wet mode. As I say perhaps it's just because I'm running at low revs in wet mode.

    However I haven't tried it in wet mode since the software update so we'll see. I'm sure it runs smoother in 'Sport' though.
  4. Mine just feels a bit gutless in Wet Mode, but just as shunty unless you keep the revs up. When going slowly, roundabouts, etc, I've usually got the clutch pulled in and coast with just a bit of clutch-slip to keep things moving. 1199's are not 1198's and don't do slowly. The engines are quite horrible and produce loads of transmission-shunt in the lower rpm range. I've been caught out more than once when trying to pull away in too high a gear at a rolling roundabout filter, by 'falling off the map' and causing the engine to stall..... just a matter of remembering that the engine's design is on parr with a ten year old formula one racing car engine (minus a few pistons) and has quite a defined operating envelope.
  5. wet ,sport, never really used them much as i usually keep the bike in Race mode , only time use sport is when riding in town or through built up areas as i feel the sport mode smooths out the throttle and it doesnt snatch as much,
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