
Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by yev, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. got puled over this eve on the way back home by unmarked police car. i was using quick shifter and was changing from third to forth so i recon i was going fairly fast as i was wide open. they let me go.
    i was too shy to ask if the ticket will follow as they made me to watch video of myself in the back of the car shifting up. i am hoping they are as nice as they sounded as i cannot be without licence. gutted if i will loose licence as i have new bike coming this week!!!
  2. When that happened to me they told me I would be going to court. Maybe you got lucky. Fingers crossed.
  3. did you go to court?
  4. didn't mention any court to me. just told me usual about safety and so on... actually they were really friendly and told me that i have a very nice bike.
  5. It used to be that an officer was required to inform you of your rights if he intended to issue anything from a telling off through a formal police caution, issue a fixed penalty ticket or charge you with an offence. I am sure andyb will correct me if that is not still the case. If I am right you may well have been given a second chance which means you probably weren't going as fast as you thought and you weren't being a dick. Good luck with it. Andy
  6. I reckon you've got away with it with just a telling off.
    In my experience, they always tell you if they're going to take it further.
    What bike was it?

    Good luck.
  7. Yep, fine and ban.
  8. From my experience you will be extremely lucky if they let you off, but fingers crossed you might be lucky!

    Ive lost count of the number of times I was done for speeding in my much much younger days and every single time they prosecuted. Whether that was 34mph in a 30 or 90+ in a 60. Only once I got let off and that was when I undertook a lane hogger who had sat in the 4th lane of the deserted motorway for a good mile or so. I was on my R1, with full race akroprovic system so when it became clear the car driver was not going to move over, I dropped it down to 3rd and seriously gave it some beans as I undertook. No idea what speed but must have been well into 3 figures as it does 115mph in 2nd gear on the redline. Hey presto, blue lights galore and turned out the lane hogger was an unmarked cop car. He wasnt pleased and even less pleased when he asked "why were you speeding" and I replied "its raining and I wanted to get home!". He did a vehicle check etc and then fortunately for me he got called to an emergency before he could write out the ticket. The pained look on his face was pricesless as you could tell he so desperately wanted to ticket me. Now I keep more or less around the speed limits on roads like that as its not worth the hassle.
  9. I think you should take the internal close call for what it was. Maybe consider doing the IAM training/course which is only passed by doing a 1.5hour ride with a serving motorcycle police officer (though not at work).
  10. ok . looks like i have to wait and see if i get anything through the post in the next 2 weeks
  11. If you were formally cautioned, as in "You have the right to remain silent ...", you can expect paperwork through the post from the Law Courts anywhere up to six months after the offence. If you weren't formally cautioned then there is the 14-day time limit for a NIP (they have 14 days in which to send it it, thus it may be more than 14 days before you receive it!).
  12. but would have they not told me that they going to take it further if they wanted to take it further.? he just told me that i can go ?
  13. nah they're just sneaky and not to be trusted. good luck.
  14. If you viewed the video and he said that he was cautioning you, then you can expect further trouble. If he did not say, "You have the right to remain silent but if rely upon something you haven't mentioned now later in court, it may harm your defence" (or words to that effect), then you have only to wait about three weeks and if no NIP, looks like you got away with it.

    If you cannot remember what the cop said to you, I cannot help :)
  15. basically here is whats happened:
    got pulled over. all 3 come out and 1 wend behind me. main one asked me if it is my bike. he also said that bike is very nice. i told him yes and thank you. then he asked me if i want to see myself on the video, i said no need, i know what ive done and that i am stupid cunt.
    he asked me if i know speed limit on the road - i said yes, : 40. he asked me if i know how fast i was going and i answered - maybe 50?. he said : HA , come and sit down in the back of the car. then he put telly on and i watched my self . at ... he switched it off and given me a speech on what would happen if i collide with the car at this speed, i told him that i should have known better. then he said once again : nice bike and i said , thanks, mate.
    then he told me that i can go and they drove off...
    go figure
    #15 yev, Jul 14, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2015
  16. Looks like you blagged a near miss there but I would be shallow breathing for the next three weeks, in your shoes.
  17. Amazing no caution ticket/producer or ought, sounds like a very lucky day bud :)
  18. you are a bud aint ya? not a muminbud?
  19. whats muminbud?
  20. I had a similar encounter many moons back they never voiced any intention of prosecution just gave me a producer, but it eventually landed on the doormat 5 or 6 months later :Arghh:
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