Keyless Pin Code

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by garyl, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. Hi. I tried to use the pin code on my 2013 multistrada today to start it, the screen remained blank and I couldn't type it in. I tried it out when I bought it 3 months ago and it worked as it should. It isn't a problem right now but if make the same schoolboy error as I did today and leave home with the key left in the garage my missus will divorce me when she has to bring the key to me.Cheers. gary.
  2. Did you hear the fuel pumpo prime when you held the button down?
    Did the digit entry box flash in the small round screen where the mode usually shows?
  3. How long did you keep the button pressed ?
  4. Hi I didn't hear the fuel pump prime or anything else activate either. The first time I tried it , the message came up in the round display saying it was trying to lock the steering, and that was the last display until I used the key again. (which then worked as normal) Also I pressed the button from 1 second up to about 20 seconds but still nothing happened. Also I had the red start button in the correct position (up). Cheers Gary
  5. Have you tried wiggling the button when it is pressed ? Maybe the contacts are dirty and the switch is not working as everything else does seem to be working correctly ?
  6. Hi. I am on way to garage to wiggle the button and possibly whack it with a hammer as a last resort. Will up date later. Cheers gary
  7. On my 2011 Multi, the PIN code was originally set up and worked fine. In 2015 I thought I would test it just to see if it was working properly (never having needed to use it in emergency). What do you know - it didn't work. The PIN was no longer recognised.

    So I got Snells to reset the PIN to 0000, then I used the menu system to reset a PIN of my choosing. It works OK at the moment, but I would advise any Multi owner to check out the PIN code occasionally. Just in case.
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  8. Hi Back from the garage. I didn't resort to using the hammer but I did fix the problem. I went into the pin code settings, re-set the code and Bingo it worked. Here are my thoughts in case it helps anybody else....Drum roll.......A few weeks ago it was in for a service and the only explanation I can come up with is that the battery may have been disconnected or for some reason the existing pin code was deleted. Could this have led to the bike saying that there is no point in me displaying the pin code entry as I have no pin code to react to. Anyhoo its working ok now. I have had a few Jamesons this afternoon so that could explain the talking bike. And by the way if you are going to write the equivalent of War and Peace on a forum make sure you log on first or when you try to send it, it just disappears. oops. cheers to all .Gary.
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  9. Cheers Pete. Looks like me and Mr Jameson got it pretty close.
  11. Had the same problem but I was at home just pushing buttons and thought I wonder if the pin thingy still works, well it didn't.
    Luckily I found some info here on this site.
    If the bikes had the battery disconnected (must have been at last service) the pin goes too and it won't respond at all to the button in the tank for those that have forgotten the key. The lock still works but that's all.
    Get the key, go into the menu and re set the pin.
    All working again, happy me I was getting worried about cost of having some electronics fixed.
    Now if I could just get the heated hand grips working. Checked them for continuity with a meter and they are fine, just had them replaced for a third time and still no use. Now nil stock at the dealer and have to wait another 3 weeks. Yet another warranty claim, 16 in 2 years. Was in the shop to have them fixed nil stock, but they changed the throttle grip clamp assembly under a factory recall that I never knew about??
  13. Hi warriurf. That tallies with what I discovered when my pin code disappeared.Its a good job there is a bit of a detective in us bikers or we would never be away from the dealers with our cash cards. Cheers Gary.
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