Inlet Ports: Is This How They Come From The Factory?

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Rob in Oz, May 27, 2015.

  1. I'm getting good at removing and replacing the carbs now - about 5 is the current count. In addition to installing and setting up a Factory Pro jet kit, I'm chasing some suspected air leaks. In the process of doing this, I removed the inlet manifolds and had a bit of a look at the ports. They look really well finished and match the manifolds very well. Just wondering if this is normal factory quality or if someone has been in there with a grinder?

    Inlet 1.jpg
    #1 Rob in Oz, May 27, 2015
    Last edited: May 27, 2015
  2. Have the inlet manifolds been done to match ?
  3. No - the inlet manifolds are as-cast internally.
  4. My record for carbs on and of is 7 times, that includes rebuilds as well. As far as I can remember the finish on my 400 is not upto that quality, can't say I have looked at my 750 that closely.
  5. I will be having the carbs of my 400ss this week, will have a look when I do.
  6. A pic of one off my 400

  7. That looks like the manifold - my pic is of the port in the head...
  8. The port looks about the same, couldn't get the Ipad to take a decent pic of that, it's not got a flash on and it's a bit dark where the bike is. Good job I took it off as the was still a piece of cloth in the port that I had put in there when I was working on the bike. Don't think it would have run very well with that in there.
  9. Here are some pictures of my 1991 900ss inlet and outlet ports. Fairly sure they have never been 'worked on' after the factory.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    #9 wolfram, Jul 19, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2017
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