Death Of A Monster.

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by comfysofa, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. Not sure if anyones seen this one....

    • WTF WTF x 1
  2. Fuck me!!! Was the truck driver pissed or something? That's bloody shocking.
  3. Just seen this I another forum mad. I would have gone mental at the driver.
  4. I heard a phrase the other day when someone got knocked off their bike "id have been throwing combo's..." - I think that's what id have been doing there....heartbreaking to see a set of termi's getting dragged down the road also...
  5. No way!!! What was he doing? I think it's time I invested in a camera, seems to be more and more incidents like this.
  6. Or......more and more camera's, so you get to see more and more incidences, we have, as I'm sure you have as well, TV programmes dedicated to showing things like this happening to bikes, cars, trucks etc. from all over the world nowadays.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. That's true.
  8. Top bit of driving from truckboy.
  9. I can't watch :(
  10. I would have punched him and been ranting
    Was that lorry driver friggin blind!!!!
    Lucky the rider didn't get caught up in that too bless him
    I love the old lady she is cool :)
  11. The truck-drivers rush is over! Rider made the mistake of moving the bike, he should of stopped the lorry driver. Took phone photo's because the video-camera doesn't always record (you shouldn't rely on it). He should of asked for the ladies details to verify what she witnessed. The lorry driver has a right to use the opposite side of the road but not in a dangerous fashion as this shows. He should have his eye-sight tested by calling the police out also'

    What i found more annoying was the way the lorry guy didn't check the rider was safe but focused on getting the bike out from under his vehicle so he could get on his way. In as quicker time as would seemingly allow.

  12. Playing devils advocate here. When the truck driver started the maneuver the biker was not there. It looks like biker was then obscured by the cab pillar with the drivers attention taken up by checking that his offside clears the corner having already assumed junction is clear. Wagon driver at fault, but everyone escaped unhurt, driver will be shocked and fearing for his job, but just an accident with a set of unique circumstances that contrived to destroy the bike. No fun for either party. Would be worse if biker was already waiting at junction, but then he would be more visible to truck driver. Highlights the problem with large pillars in trucks and cars and how easily they obscure bikers.
    Biker did well to remain calm and good on him for doing so, better that than get up and stick a knife in drivers neck!
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  13. I wonder if he wants to sell his Termi's?
  14. Lorry driver didn't check the biker was ok. What a w*****. It does look like the woman was giving her details at the end.
    I know it's easy after the event but bike could have driven right passing lorries near side and if necessary mounted pavement.
  15. Just seen it on Facebook. Can't believe either of their reactions. It's as if the rider felt guilty or something daft and the driver seems like he couldn't care less. :(
  16. Driver should fear for his job. And his liberty. The speed at which he entered that road, and the amount of road that was used was outside of anything evenly remotely acceptable.
  17. Just shows how cyclists are killed, the visibility is not greats making that turn, be aware and always assume they can't see us.
  18. Did the lorry driver not see him???
    He needs to get his eyes tested and reported to the police for dangerous driving
  19. My missus had the response of "why didn't the bike reverse". How many times has she seen me wheeling the bike backwards into the garage? Idiot, I could just use the Multi's reverse gear. [emoji23]
    • Funny Funny x 1
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