I bought a new AGV K5 with the pennies people gave me for my birthday This is it after my third ride out in it A pigeon flew from my left just had time to look down so I didn't get it in the face. Thumping headache for an hour afterwards. A couple of days later got two domestic pets fighting in the middle of a country road no chance of missing them. Then a couple of days later another bird on the knee and then a rabbit
I liked it for the 1000 miles or so that I used it. Can't compare it to a Shoei as I haven't worn one for 15 years. Just replaced it with a Pista
Big difference in price from a k5 to a pista. I would have got the k5 only delivery delays. Is the pista a lot better?
It is a lot better, I got it from Sportsbikeshop, couldn't afford another cash so got it on 12 months interest free, Not so sure it's 4 times better. I would compare it to the difference between an MGTF and a Boxster cos I have driven both and the Porsche is light years ahead
Man thats unlucky. Ive hit pigeons a few times, once one hit me straight in the chest as I was accelerating "quite rapidly" on my R1. That knocked the wind out of me quite literally. Another time one hit my radiator on the same bike and exploded. The mess was horrendous and took me forever to clean up.
i had a tawny owl hit my head once you dont expect it to hurt but i nearly binned it was such a smack
killed a wee bird today,it flew into my shoulder. we had to pull a mares car apart once to retrieve a putrefied crow,it was splattered all over the radiator and only the smell alerted him.....ughhhhh :Vomit:
I was going to say that they come in 3's, but the rabbit makes 4. That's bloody unlucky. I once had a small bird, maybe a sparrow type size, hit me on the helmet just above the visor. It nearly took my head off. I can't believe the force these things generate when you hit them at speed.
Couple of years ago, i had a pigeon fly out of a low hedge and hit the hanguard!.. Not much left of a 'full' pigeon! Most of it was over my jacket and jeans! :Vomit: Just at the start of a ride-out aswell! Bad luck on the helmet mate!
The helmet is relegated to the grandsons toy box now. Nearly got a fox with a rabbit in its gob the other night. Downside of living and driving in the countryside I suppose