1200 DVT Aftermarket Parts / Accessories

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Jordan, Jun 3, 2015.

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  1. It seems that the tall owners of Multi's all suffer from buffeting, even with touring screens. I'm 5'9 and I test rode the DVT-S with standard screen. It is like everything I've tried with a screen (which isn't that many bikes btw), it buffets at motorway speed.
    Now I had a 09 FJR 1300 and this did the same with standard screen, I purchased the genuine touring screen and it was cured, absolute bliss with the screen raised. Man I miss that:(
    So has anyone who's in a similar height range purchased a touring screen and benefitted from no wind buffeting?

    Must confess that the short screens are very cool looking, but where do you stick your Garfield?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. I am short - 5' 7" with 26 1/2" inside leg - touring screen was rubbish for me - complete waste money - that's why I cut it down.
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  3. Still not high/wide enough then...
    I hate wearing ear plugs:Grumpy:
  4. I think there is no perfect solution for wind puffeting. Multistrada is not made for comfortable long distance travelling with zero wind noise. I use Puig variable extra screen and It is good for me. I still use earplugs and I am happy with that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. I've just fitted one of these MRA sports screens, and after a few days, I can report more or less the same things Tobers has in this post, and his further posts. I'm 5'9"", and was finding the factory screen buffet at motorway+ speeds very uncomfortable, noisy, and for reasons I can't fathom, random popping noises, and the feeling of being slapped at head height. With the MRA sports screen, I don't mind having the wind blast on my shoulders/head, I've always had sports bikes before, so not much different. I guess the only downside of the MRA sports screen would be lack of rain protection.
    Another thing I hadn't heard mentioned elsewhere wrt the factory screen at any height, was that I found that during my daily commute, that my visor would mist up when it was shut, probably due to the reduced airflow around the base of the helmet. the short screen has fixed this! :)
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  6. Hi Jim - screen looks good but what interests me more is your sat nav mount. What is it and how is it mounted? Can you still adjust the screen with it in place? I have the Ducati mount on the yoke, but it is too close to the tank if you have a tank bag fitted and I am looking at alternatives.
  7. Hi Chris, the satnav mount is a navihalter mount, link below. The screen is still adjustable, its not as easy as it is, without the nav mount but its no biggie and doesn't impact the operation of it.

    Navihalter Motorrad Ducati Multistrada 1200, 2015 > - navihalter.de
  8. Thanks for that Jim - I have looked at the link but cannot see what the mount actually attaches to. Is it fitted to the raising mechanism on the screen?
  9. had some leftover carbon wrap so decided to cover the fugly vapour can, well I think thats what it is, will see how long it lasts but better than that horrible looking thing.


  10. That is one ugly, badly positioned, lump of plastic - noticed it when I had my test ride, what's it for and why don't the early bikes have them?
  11. It's to meet latest emission standards I think...? It is bloody ugly though, spoils a great looking bike, I'd have thought the Italians would have designed something better looking than that. I wonder if it could be removed/bypassed...??
  12. DVT EVAP system removal - Ducati.ms - The Ultimate Ducati Forum
  13. Oh no, so does every DVT have EVAP?
    I thought this was an issue to 'resolve emissions' for the California market only...:(
    #75 Nickshoot, Jul 25, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2015
  14. Its to match the Californian fork reflectors ;)
  15. I think it does, but it is not a requirement for the UK, as per the Reflectors, so if you don't like it it's easily removed.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  16. #78 Nickshoot, Jul 26, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2015
  17. Most air horns are like 120db, ...but you went and brought a 140gb monster! Like speed the relative effect from 120-140 must be phenomenal'
  18. I connected it to a spare bike battery when I first got it a couple of years ago, I do remember having a 'turtle-head' moment:Wtf:
    • Funny Funny x 2
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