As I walked out of Tesco this morning, one of their security guards stopped me. "I believe you've got a bottle of champagne inside your jacket," he said. "Would you mind opening it for me?" "Not at all," I replied. "Have you got a couple of glasses?"
Just opened a bottle of Pimm's cider cup with strawberries and cunumber....mmmm.......mmmm......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Raining this morning so took myself off into Bath to get a sim only contract for the iPhone 5 my daughter gave to me. I guess as my old phone was the one I bought when they switched analogue off (Feb 2008) it'd was well overdue. Walked the dog in a dry spell but it is raining again now. Mel has made a curry which is simmering away on the stove.
I went for a job interview today. The interviewer said to me, "On your CV, it says that you consider yourself to be a man of mystery?" I said, "yep" "Would you like to elaborate? " "Nope"
Done the bikesafe course run by the Police today. It pissed it down all afternoon. One person (not me) went home half way through ....because he didn't have rain gear. Non the less it was good to do. Thoroughly recommend it. Learnt about positioning and all that. My conclusion. When it's raining hard it's a lot safer to position yourself at home in a chair with a drink.
cool, to ride or to look at? Ffs too much paper work involved in the motor trade. 2monthes done one to go.
Wroughtiron I've stripped and rebuild two of them, the Lc2 is a great ride much smoother power delivery then the 350lc let me know if you get it. Make sure you check the petrol tank for leaks and repairs and that the power valves make the noise ie turning circle before you kick start the motor.