1200 DVT Oil Consumption

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Simon Audi, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. Hi Guys

    Any of your bike use any oil?

    Mine had nearly reached lower oil level by first service in the sight glass.

    In last 300 miles its gone from top of sight glass to middle of the sight glass - so also on track to repeat the same - top to bottom of sight glass in 600 miles.

    First 600 miles were 99.9% below 6000 RPM

    Just curious if this is normal??
  2. 2013, twin spark 8000 to 13,300 (5300 for those without a calculator) miles used 750cc of Mobul300.
    Heavy riding by a heavy rider.
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  3. Ducati do have a, what I consider, a brilliant run-in protocol: Lots of up hill, twisty (so gear changes) roads. Preferably two-up.
    I've always felt that the run-in process is 90% first 100 miles, by 200 I reckon it's as good as done with regards to the piston ring/bore relationship. The rest is gearbox meshing.
    I've taken heads of 3.0 Ford Capri's in the 80's that have the cross-hatchings still on the bores when the engines have done 100K miles!!!
    I think it's harder to run-in big CC engines myself due to speed limits...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I recall seeing cars with 'running-in' stickers on the boot to warn other road users of their lethargy as they nursed them through the run-in process...o_O
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  5. I noted that my oil was down to near the low level at first service, but admit I didn't note if it was full at purchase. I've done 600 miles since first service, and my level is still near the top. I did notice that reading the level is affected pretty easily by not having the bike bolt upright though.
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  6. There is a bit of oil that seems to go missing ? in the first couple of hundred miles. But once the level has moved, it seems to settle down.
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  7. After reading the above posts it prompted me to check my oil level.
    I've covered 3k miles now and indeed my oil level is at the lower level mark. Is this normal for a Ducati I wonder ? As its my first Ducati / V-twin I've had.
    All my previous bikes I've owned have never used oil like this bike. I will contact my dealer today to ask if it's normal, I suspect I know the answer.
    In the mean time I've ordered the shell advance oil as recommended in the owners manual from Amazon.
  8. I put about 200ml in at about 1200 miles (1st service was done at 600), nothing since then and it's been stable. Now at 2200 miles.

    I've had similar with my other large v-twins (KTM, Aprilia). I really wouldn't worry about it.
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  9. Ok progress has been made. As I previously stated,my bike used no oil over the first 11500 miles at all. Then all of a sudden started to use around 300 ml or 30 cl per 500 miles. Now Ducati would say that the higher oil consumption figure is ok,as long as I didn't start all of a sudden. So mine is not normal,and during its 15000 mile service,a compression check was done. Rear cylinder fine at 180, front a problem at 120. It will be stripped to find the cause,which will explain the sudden oil consumption. 99.9% of all MTS owners report no oil consumption,so that's a quick summary.
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  10. Mi bike has a high oil consumption. I think it's around 800ml per 1000 miles, definitely not normal.

    Dealer is aware and said to keep an eye on it... not happy at all, but I guess nothing I can do about.
  11. Similar with.mine 9k on,oil burning or breather loss, dealer noted,personally reckon oil change when it goes down, changed at 10k,this W/e to castor power 1, red 10/40, bike revs quite freely, keep an eye on oil level
  12. Matt 23 and Guzz11, if there is no visible loss of oil I strongly suggest you get a compression check,should be a quick thing.
  13. Hi all

    Thanks for all the replies

    I have not added oil yet - I order some today

    1 litre from ebay uk for 13 pounds and 12 litres from Germany at £5 a litre plus postage (approx)

    How much oil does it take between min and max on site glass?

  14. After 6,000 miles or so from new, my DVT is using just a little oil. For example I set the oil level exactly to the top mark on the sight glass before setting off on my 2,500 mile European trip. No top-ups at all during the trip. Level is now just slightly below the top mark - maybe one-tenth of a litre or so. This seems acceptable to me.
  15. About an inch? :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Hi, I had oil level a bit lower from the low mark (6000Km) added 1 litre and now it is on top mark..
  17. It's about 300 ml from min to max marks.
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  18. Thanks :upyeah:
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  19. THANK YOU :)
  20. Perfectly acceptable .
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