Can anyone shed any light on what may be a broken bike - already! I'm still running my bike in, so keeping the revs below 6-7000 RPM, and when rolling the throttle on at around 4000 RPM it's totally flat - holding back on power. The DWC/DTC light (the orange triangle within a circle) is flashing and the amber bar at the top of the TFT display lit up. If I back off the throttle it sometimes cures it, or dropping a gear usually cures it. I did have the DWC & DTC settings turned up, but have since returned them to the default settings of 5/5 in Sport mode...and it's still happening. Any thoughts? It looks like a dealer visit may be calling, but I wanted to make sure I've not missed something silly before I go. Thanks in advance, Glen
No idea of the cause I'm afraid. Best check with the dealership. My 1199 suffered the same flatspot prior to the first service; sometimes accompanied by the light show, sometimes not. If accelerating through the revs it would be a little flat however coming off the throttle completely and then back on it anywhere between 4-5k revs would see it bog down very badly. The Dealership didn't offer any explanation other than to say they would like at it at the first service. Whatever was done at the first service cured the problem completely. I was told an ECU software update had been installed.
I had this constantly for the 1st 12 months. Took it back to Ducati Wolverhampton who said the ECU needed a remap and its still exactly the same as before. I knid of get used to it rolling off the throttle at low revs in 2nd or 3rd at slow speed is worse
I'm hearing this about a re-map at the first service. I'm wondering if there's some form of mapping that 'encourages' you not to labour the engine whilst running in, as I've been told (unsure how true it is) that at the 600 mile service it gets fresh oil and a new ECU map. The damn thing is nearly un-ridable at times currently....and it's hacking me off. And my symptoms are similar to what mill848 describes - bogging down when taking it easy and rolling off/on the throttle in predominately 2nd and 3rd gears.
never say never, correct profile? can you switch the dtc off and retry? i want from pirelli to mitchelins on my 848 the bike was hellish until i turned down the t.c.
I got a big scare on my first weekend of use, so I put the DTC & DWC up - DTC up from 5 to 6 in Sport and DWC up from 5 to 7 in Sport. Since then, I'Ve put them both back to 5...and still I'm getting the bank of orange lights if I roll the throttle on in low gears from approx 4000RPM.
as soon as i swapped tyres with out changing the settings just pulling away from stop or just starting to turn in all 4 lights would come on a missfire/stutter.
Have you switched between the modes / switched the TC off / EBC off to see if this makes a difference? Race mode eased the issue a little for me. The map update installed to my bike was merely to follow the latest map available from Ducati. It had the added benefit of curing the flatspot.
First of all, the bike is in it's 'running in' map until the first service. Secondly, you should be getting a revised mapping up-date at the same time. I seem to get a map up-date every time I visit my dealer in Coventry. If you are under warranty still, you must use your retailing Dealership for any issues, but once out, or if you don't object to paying, I would recommend the Ducati Coventry team...... they are really top notch. The workshop is like an operating theatre with a window overhead through which you can watch proceedings and the showroom also has a collection of their racing bikes on display alongside all the sales stock.... plus tea and coffee, woo hoo !
1199 Coventry - There service is top notch .. But there 1199 Tuning... What can i say .. They like the trial and error route ... Nice guys and when servicing my bike excellent job.. They use out of the box rexxer maps.. hit and miss... As they are not sure what fuel ratios/tables etc that their maps run on.. Excellent Customer service though... They even offered me a try and buy... that was nice of them.. The only tuners out there at the moment that i know of for the 1199 that are any good by research only Moto Rapido CJS Racing. Both use maps but then custom tune them to best fit the bike. Tuneboy - Ok but again hit and miss depending upon mods done to bike.
Not sure I entirely agree with your belief that the Coventry boys work on the 'suck it and see' principal. At the last count my 1199s Tricolore put out just over 184 bhp at the rear wheel and came with the full torque as per book. That's up with the 'R' and not far from the million-pound-special-lightweight-megagale that the rich-boys collect.... so I'm sticking with the team who get the results. We, the gullible, exchange opinions by the dozen on sites like this every day....... the reality though is the results that actual experts achieve in the real world out there, not us with our guesswork and opinions. If we were as good as our thoughts and ideas, we'd be on those Star Wars Hover-bikes, not still using friction-drive between Pirelli and Tar-macadam !
Sounds good matey. What flash did they do .. Was it a rexxer flash. Did they dyno the bike ?... Might take it back if they had the figures behind their tune. I like to play with all the teams out there ... As some are better than others in certain areas... .. Ie .. In the real world.. There are talented individuals that are running alot of different companies. I dont believe in one place does it all.. I like to take the best of everything.. ("Price Also taken into consiideration ")