
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. Anyone bought the game yet? Has it got the TT circuit on the PS4 version?
  2. I hope it's not as boring as the magazine:Dead:
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. mixed reviews, i owuldnt bother. wait til you can get a copy used for a 5th of the price.
  4. I'm still on PS2 with Tourist Trophy. Great game.
  5. Playing the demo on ps4 , I think it's good
  6. It's got Almeria on it I believe :)
  7. I'd love to get a copy of tourist trophy I could play on my ps4
  8. It doesn't have the tt course. If you search milestone ride they have an official site with all bikes and courses listed.

    For the ps4 there is also a downloadable demo.

    From reviews looks like it's not perfect and a few annoying bugs which need sorting
  9. Thanks, i looked on the makers site and couldnt find a list of tracks
  10. On the milestone site there was a link to the site for that game and under 'game' heading it had the tracks....
  11. Well i went and purchased the game for my PS3 and its quite good to be honest. Its a sort of cross between MOTOGP and Gran Turismo for bikes. I am not a big gamer with my last bike game being moto gp 2013. You basically compete in different races with different classes whilst being able to purchase better bikes and equipment along the way. As I say, I have the PS3 but believe the PS4 graphics are way better. I am now finding the enjoyment racing online although there are only usually 2-4 games available to join online.
    I believe the producers are also behind Moto GP 15 so it should be very similar control wise.
    If you like your bike games then I would say its worth £25.
  12. Oh, forgot to say, the bike exhaust notes are not very inspiring when straddled on your favourite steed. Its strange because if another rider is for instance riding a panigale, the noise from their machine sounds pretty good whilst they are in your vicinity. Yeah, you can tell if you are riding an inline 4 or a twin but it could have been much better by maybe spending more time capturing the exhaust notes from different machines.
  13. Wheelie on the ZX Spectrum has never been bettered imo.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Is it full of pointless reviews on waterproof jackets and disc locks?
  15. What it needs is some hot chicks in leather.

    @Ducbird, we need you..!
  16. Awww thanks fig :)
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