1098 1098 1198 What's The Difference?

Discussion in '848 / 1098 / 1198' started by Simon-Ducati, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. Apart from the cc so bigger Pistons in the 1198 does anyone know what other differences there are between the 2 engines? I've heard the 1198 has lighter and stronger cases.
  2. 1098's have a lovely red frame.
    Seriously, i am not a fan of the grey frame myself.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. #3 quantuman, Aug 6, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2015
  4. I'm asking about the engine internals I heard a rumour the 1198 has a stronger crank?
  5. better big end bearings
  6. Any other differences? Are the crank casings stronger and lighter?
  7. Can the 1198 big end go in the 1098?
  8. The 1198 uses Vacuum Die Cast Cases same as the 848. Stronger ? Maybe but not a lot in it I would think.
    The crank is different maybe because the 1198 uses different rods, don't know for certain.

    The shell bearing design is much the same I think, there is no traditional Big end bearing as such.
    The main bearings were updated mid 1098 production I believe to the same as the 1198 used.

    Speak to someone like Chris or Richard at Louigi Moto. I'm sure they have will have played with all sorts of part combinations at some point.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. Thanks
  9. 1198 has lighter wheels and crancases, stronger gearbox, lighter headlamp.
  10. Think the op may just wants to know if an 1198 crank goes into 1098 motor
  11. Are you sure?
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