Hi All I am purchasing a 749s but before I make the final jump can I ask your advice. Is there anything specific I should be aware of? On the test ride it stalled on tick over. I read this is common but is it an easy cheap fix? The front brembo discs feel warped as the lever pulses quite badly when used, is this common or is this just crappy luck? The current owner say he will sort the discs before I return. Apart from these two things it looks ok, FSH etc although belts are due, it has only done 1500 miles since the last belt change but that was 2 years ago. It also has the grey swingarm, what does this mean? I was looking through the service history and a few years ago it had a fork replaced as the internal rod snapped, what could possibly have caused this? It comes with all keys etc.
Grey swinger means it is a series 1. The nose cone is slightly different too to the later model, and it also has a grey frame. Is it at the top of your budget?
Different front fairing (with two vents instead of four), mirror brackets, side fairings, windshield, frame color matches the bodywork, black rims, black boxed swingarm, vented belt covers.
as far as know ( i have later ser 2 ) it is only cosmetic,,, but looks so much better,,, and you will always be wanting the ser 2 ... stalling on tick over sometimes does happen but not very often and certainly not all the time,,,,, should be no pumping on the brakes.
Not really. The later model looks far better though. The black swingarm is a bit stiffer and lighter, and the velted belt covers may keep the belts a little cooler (or not).
The lump in the series 1 S model is the same as the lump in the series 2 749 model, so if you can go for a series 2 S. Ultimately, they just look nicer.
i assume that you already know there are a few important differences between the standard and the S model.
I was pleasantly surprised today at how well the engine produced power and where it produced power. Apart from these little niggles I am hoping it will be a good purchase. Currently on a ZX10r
Wow, that is surprising. I would of thought coming from a ZX10 you would find a 749 underpowered. Although the twin having the power on tap probably put a lot of those thoughts to one side. I rode my friends 200hp ZX10 round the IOM circuit, and couldn't stand it. I kept changing gear around 5-6000 rpm out of habit and it never got moving
In my opinion the 749/999 is the nicest looking Ducati ever, so it will make you smile riding it (i have one). You can shoot me down now people.
just so that you can see the diff with the ser 2 :Happy: ( with Bi and Mono P ) ( i might be a bit biased , but i also think it is the nicest Duc apart from the Pani )
The little 749 had power from nothing all the way to the top whereas my 10 only has it from midrange onward so on the road I could argue the 749 is the better machine. Bear in mind the 10 redlines at 12 - 13 rpm, you have to wring its neck to hit full power.
I never did It was the first Japanese sports bike i had ever ridden and couldn't see what all the fuss was about. You should of seen the owners smile when i told him when i was changing gear!