How do you think owners of other bikes view Ducati owners?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by El Toro, Sep 16, 2012.

  1. Do you think we're seen as different animals to the mainstream of the biking world?

    I know what I think of HOG owners :tongue:
  2. I think it depends on the model. Multipoodle owners seem to be viewed as brothers to BMW and HOG owners..........................................
  3. Depends on what era Duke you own.
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  4. most other bike owners including the rice burners always put the Ducati owner down, bad electric's build qualitiy etc. All old news now. I have owned quiet a few Ducati's all totally reliable. Even my Aprilia Mille gets flack. I like two pistons engines, thats why i purchased a Ducati, then an Aprillia. The Japanese only built one good twin sports bike thats a honda sp1 and 2. Also the Ducati owner is labelled the snooty git.
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  5. Do seem to cop it from mates that own jap bikes, hell one of them even owns a hog!!
    I point out none of their bikes come even close on the service intervals, then just point to the parked bikes and ask "what one is sex on wheels?"
  6. I've always thought other riders view me as a superior being of intellect, style and class and with the conviction to own a bike that they dare not. Of course I could be wrong :biggrin:.
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  7. I would think it's the same way Miata drivers view Ferrari drivers...With jelousy.
  8. You mean the MX5 :wink: I know this not because of Google , but my cousin in Canada has one. He wasn't happy when I told him it was a hairdressers car :biggrin:
  9. Yeah, a bunch of over paid city bankers. And I mean the HOGs.
  10. I have lost all respect from my "mates" I used to have when I had the R1 !! Or is it because I am now deafening them with the noise, spraying them with petrol from the termis, asking them to stop after 80 miles for fuel, celebrating when the bike starts, or just getting all the looks when we stop anywhere (the bike not me !)
  11. You might have lost the respect, but you've gained some 'Green eyed envy :mad:'
  12. Never had any problems
    People with "other" makes have usually admired my Dizzy
    Perhaps being a girl helps

    Heard the usual thing about electrics and breaking down but so do other bikes

    I'm no snob just very Ducati passionate
  13. There Aren't any other bikes ....are there?
    This is news to me. !!!!!
  14. Why should we be viewed any different.
    I went to watch a ride past today in aid of a cancer charity. there were all makes of bikes from Harleys to IL4's to tiumphs Ducatis and Trikes ( not my cup of tea), even one of them Boss Hoss V8 jobs which I must admit is something to hear.
    I was thinking as they were passing ,"nothing really looks special" a bikes a bike unless it's yours or your particular passion.And I love bikes.
    What was really missing was the really individual bike ala A radical Ducati or something that the non biker would think "now that looks a bit special and warrants further investigation".
  15. People are people. Some are fools and some are admirable. What they choose to ride is of no import to me. I can see the attraction of a Hardly Ableson.

    Just because you prefer Hobnobs to Rich Tea biscuits, does that make talking to other biscuit munchers impossible?
  16. OH FUCK Glid did you write any of the script for the Dirty Harry films :upyeah:
    FUCKIN A1 Motherfucker.:biggrin:

    Sorry folks he brings that out in me.
  17. Is this leading to the old gem. Red ones are faster than yellow ones?
  18. I can never tell if this is enthusiasm or irony. :smile:
  19. i think many owners of other brands, particularly other sportsbikes, view ducati superbike owners as poseurs and pseuds..much the same way as most harley owners are viewed. theres tribalism and elitism in every walk of life sadly, and many people are attracted to something because of its image....this is why people waste money on 'designer' clobber made in the same sweat shops by the same children who make clothes for primark. anyone who buys something because of its label and 'what it says about them' is deficient in my book. i couldnt gve a bugger what bike someone rides or where they live, what job they do, how much money they do or dont have in the bank...a tosser is a tosser is a tosser.
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  20. Calm calm calm...... We all nod at other bikers..... Or do we. ?
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