A recent post on here made me ponder the pro's and con's of replacing the standard exhaust on my 2003 999S with something less standard. First of all, am I right in thinking that a "full race system", say a Leo Vince, with tend to improve power at the top of the rev range at the expense of grunt in the lower half? Naturally, fuelling needs to be tweaked, etc but are there other considerations? On a practical point, will a full system like a Leo Vince actually fit a Biposto 999? I assume it will but assumption is the mother of all what's-its. Lastly, I cannot afford one of these damned systems, why am I even talking about them? Explain. Many thanks!
Come to my bbq and we'll all explain Should be interesting after a few vodka or gin jellies!! :Wacky:
I had a 748SP a few years ago which had a funky full Termi system... I have had a '05 999 Mono, with a standard exhaust, now for a couple years and have been really missing that Ducati noise and the 999 was reminding me of how the 748 was when I put the standard cans on and rode it to the MoT station. Recently I got hold off a new but unused Termignoni Silencer, DP Filters and ECU (albeit for a 2003...). Having fitted it and mapped a 2nd 5AM ECU it now feels like it has been unleashed and has that grin factor like my old Duke. (..and my arse does not feel like it is on fire now either...) I would say that it is a huge difference from a standard bike to any set up without CATs & appropriate mapping and the particular system is down to available funds & personal preference. Personally I think the 999 needs a Termi.... although Leo Systems are pretty cool too ...oh and Storm... etc etc... I have bought a load of flat oval stainless tube (to mimic the Termi outlets) to try a cored standard silencer a close as the Termi as poss. Just haven't had time to finish one! Winter is on the way so maybe then.... DD.
jellies?what kind of party is this? i can only help you with last bit. classic case of retail therapy required. feeling low son? want to talk about it?.
I failed to buy Termis for my 999S when I bought it new in 2004 - I did this to appease my fiancée. Said fiancée did not even see out the end of the pre-MOT period but I have never had the money to make good my mistake. I still don't have the money but maybe I do have the money - but I will kick my own arse if I blow money I cannot afford to waste on a bit of bling that I end up hating because it is no good for my purposes.
Wait till you have doubled your savings then you can have them and a bit left over to treat a proper woman who appreciates a bit of bling Job done
Go for it. Think you have to be pcareful, asymetric and deep sump and all that. But at least dump the can and cat. Woudlnt worry about the system. Air filters and custom set up ideally
My first ever Xmas together with John.....my pressie was a LeoVince De-cat pipe to go with my Termis I cried with happiness :Arghh:
My 999 came with asymetric termi so cant compare with standard but Ive added DP filters and DP flash ecu without much gain except loosing a bit of a flat spot at about 5k. The asy termi system makes a lovely noise without being too offensive. How about having your can cored.
The current standard system is looking very second-hand but is essentially still functional. There's a bit more of a roar coming from it, compared to new, which I put down to the internals of the end-can slowly rotting out. I'm looking for a bit of an aesthetic upgrade, a bit more noise from the can to help drown out the open clutch clatter and a replacement for an existing original system that won't last much longer/forever. And all without sacrificing low- and mid-range.
The asymmetric Termi is the best option I'd say. Most non-standard / twin pipe options just look plain goofy to me and whilst I love the Leo Vince and Storm silencers they are way too expensive for my liking. Just make sure you get the right fitment for your deep/shallow sump and swing-arm... The eternal 'will it fit' question
iirc there's not a lot of difference performance-wise between any of the stock vs aftermarket systems - particularly if you motor is near stock. Slapping a 999 race Termi on there is probably the most efficient way to go all things considered. Only thing you need to be aware of is that there are at least two types of 999 Termi silencer, one for the standard asymmetric system and one for the equal length 57mm system they are not interchangeable without cutting/welding. If you just want it louder either get a used Termi or wait until more of the stuffing gets wasted out of your current box. @final_edition knows his onions with these exhausts, send him a PM and ask for advice, he may even have parts for you I dunno. Have dealt with him several times and he's a top bloke no doubt. If you want really loud fit a pair of shorty Termi 848 slash cuts on it... It's all gonna be big spend though, Termi race can on its own is costly enough for a TEN year old exhaust box...
Ps. Regards the look, don't forget your standard pipes are stainless steel and will clean up just nicely.