900ss Re-build

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Vtwin, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. Hi All,
    I brought a 1997 Carb 900ss last year through a contact in the forum. The previous owner informed me the frame has the usual cracks at the headstock / tank front mounting plate.
    I thought as I the bike has sat in the garage not used I better make a start on it - It is totally stripped down now - I will upload pics.
    Once the paint was stripped back where the cracks were thought to be, only the RHS was visible. The frame is at a professional welders being repaired now.

    Question for the Re-build members may be able to help with.
    1, Powder coat or paint the frame (original colour) which is best? Suggest painters / Powder coaters please.
    2, I did read on here but cant find it now the best silver paint and lacquer for the engine cases - please tell me ? as this was the other reason for the strip down.
    Thanks Dave.
  2. ahh paint or powdercoat
    have seen it said on here powdercoat can mask the signs
    of cracks appearing in the frame work due to its thickness
    so paint recommended
    although have seen it said that a fair few people have powdercoated their frames
    no doubt more knowledgeable members will be along
  3. Thanks Johnboy, that was my thinking really - if this was originally powder coated then you possibly would not have seen the cracking.
  4. I have just finished similar project with a 1999 900ss IE model.
    Frame did not need painting, only cleaning. I did spray the 'cockpit' frame using RS paint system.
    Engine side casings I did using using RS system Ducati in dark bronze rattle cans.
    Engine proper I used Hycote silver spray paint. This was recommended as its for high temperatures but does go off hard enough when cold preventing risk of damage to finish when putting engine back into frame. I found it in a car rally spares shop. (like a little Halfords).
    Some photos here of finished parts.
    IMG_0348.JPG IMG_0659.JPG
    • Like Like x 2
  5. IMG_0988.JPG
  6. Ducatijones, thanks for the paint tips, I will go with that on the engine. I like your engine support for spraying,looks like a good finish also.
  7. This is a picture of the engine as removed, since then I have used Scottish bright pads and 240 wet n dry (dry) to remove as much of the corrosion as possible.
  8. Got my frame powder coated. The company I used are called "ctc powder coating" they are in Maldon in Essex. They stripped the old paint and checked for any cracks, done a good job.

    Also got a frame brace made by BBB fabrications to prevent any cracks around the headstock.


  9. I used a selection of wire brushes on a drill and a cheap 'Dremel' from Maplins @ £20 which came with loads of grinding attachments in a case. Really useful for the nooks and cranny's. Masking off took ages though but worth it. The engine stand I made out of Unistrut off cuts from work which allowed the engine to be rotated to get access to underside sump.
  10. Is the head stock cracking problem limited to carb models only or later injected models?
  11. @ducatijones As far as I know only the carb models. Mines a 1992 and there were no cracks.

    I've had a few monsters over the years and haven't had any problems with frame cracking.

    I wouldn't worry about it

  12. I don't know about the Engine Enamel paint but be warned about Hycote VHT paint...........it isn't solvent resistant; certainly not petrol or white spirit.

    Neither is the car range of colours or the standard lacquer...........the petrol resistant lacquer may be better.
  13. Before buying the Hycote I did check out their web site and read the data sheet for their VHT paint.
    It states surfaces should be cleaned after preparation using white spirit or thinners before spraying and it also states the paint when cured is resistant to petrol and oils. I have used white spirit to clean chain oil splatters off the finished engine and have had brake fluid on the engine following bleeding the rear brake with no detrimental effects.
    I have not used any of their other products.
    However we can only speak as we find.
  14. But it isn't which is why I switched to Simoniz Sperex..........which still isn't.....

    If you leave a spill on either for more than a minute, it will come off on the cloth.........in fact I have removed it from my headers just using a cloth soaked in white spirit.
  15. Chard, that's a nice finish on the frame looks good. Do the powder coaters do the bronze frame colour?
  16. Ducatijones
    When you put the Hycote on the cases did you use etch primer or just straight on the bare cases?
    You have obviously had experience painting cases previously, I am sure this subject has been done to death but if there is a proven method / products to obtain the /or close to original finish, should the forum stick a thread ?(Maybe there is something somewhere?).
  17. Powder coated my frame. There isn't a Powder coat that matches either of the bronzes or silver that I could find. Mine is only slightly brighter the 749 / 999 silver.


    My build isn't to produce an original SS but I reckon it works well. I've also got welded head stock and a BBB Fabrications brace on there
    Bike on the right below is next, If I can't find a good Bronze powder coat next time, I'll probably do it in white and mix all my favourite bits of the various model years :0

  18. Carby only. Ie frames used thicker tubing.

    They also have a steeper head angle which helps.

    Still prefer husling a carby though, like wrestling a friggin alligator - great fun!

    To those painting shit - bake it in your kitchen oven to harden the paint and even out the finish. Amazing difference and we'll worth it. Or take the part to your local powder coat shop and get them to include it in their oven for beer money.
  19. Iirc model year 97 onwards carb SS' also used thicker tubes but can't be sure.

    Headstock bracing fixes it. Anyway, it's not like the friggin headstock is gonna snap off! Just take a simple visual check every now and then if you ride like Marquez. It's easy to spot... Funnily enough it looks like a crack in or adjacent to the weld that connects the frame tube to the headstock.

    If you don't track the bike and ride like you're giving your granny a lift then don't even worry about it ever again.
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