There's a few at the moment - probably most are from the 6 at Bonham's coming on to the market after a bit of spit and polish and double if not triple the price they realised 2 years ago.
I'm still very keen to acquire a 1098R. Having a magnificent tour on my 1998 916SPS in Spain at the moment. Fabulous roads, people, wine and food.
PM sent although whilst I was writing that I see you have a question. I'm old fashioned so first come first served. If you have an offer on the table, I won't waste your time. Andy
There's one with the same mileage reaching under £9K at the moment on Ebay - keeps re listing, albeit a German import. What's the death on it? If your asking too much it will eventually realise it, but may take a while :Angelic:
Reserve not met, other than being an import it looks dandy - people on holiday perhaps but most high value bikes don't reach near their 'value' when auctioned from what I have seen.
And a 999R with 6000 miles just made a little over £7K reserve not met, Snells had one a while ago at £14K which appeared to sell in a week or so...
I think Snells had a 999R up at circa 20k a bit back. I know I let my 999R go too cheap. If you're confident the 1098R is cosher, get it got! You won't be disappointed.
Ducati Leeds have just posted on Facebook that the'yve just received a 1098s Tricolore in stock. 2007, 13775 miles for £6995 if anyone is interested